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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #284433

      in behina aleph, when the thing felt it couldn’t be a giver and then felt a lack, does that mean that it was filled completely and then like what–did the vessel get bigger or did it leak so that it wasn’t completely filled anymore?

      in behina bet, does it reject the light completely and cease to exist?  or is it still filled but makes a discernment?  (or even more confusing is it the same as behina gimmel???)

      why doesn’t the creature become perfect in behina gimmel if it has learned to receive in order to bestow?  (why only “20%”?)

      in malchut, why is this an independent desire, distinct from the previous phases that are all controlled by the creator, when it is the creators purpose that it should happen?

      • #285217

        All of this is taking place before there is time and space.
        We are learning it in a sequence in order to build a in us a structure of reality.
        These four phases plus the root phase come from the 4 letter name tip of the Yud – Yud – Hay – Vav – Hay.
        And after the four phases, there comes the partzufim, sefirot, the spiritual worlds and the degrees of the soul.  All of this comes from this same structure.

        Think of the four phases like a line of computer code that just sits there until the last line which executes the code and runs it.  There is no phase 1 without the root phase and 2, 3, 4 after it.
        I don’t relate to your questions because they are not really speaking about what is happening here.  Listen to the lesson again with this explanation.
        As for “20%” this is only an example.  It could be 18% or 33%.


    • #284362

      Thanks for all the explanations!..

    • #284274

      I feel that at Behina Dalet we are in our ego we are not grateful or appreciative of our desires or wants it fills the vessel with darkness, then as learn to appreciate (light) what we have can we begin to be grateful (light)and share/give to others(sunshine/awareness). Then, we feel the pleasure of giving changes our perspective we learn that it is not about me, we, us, but includes them, the kosmos of all Creation.

    • #283726
      Vyacheslav Checha

      спасибо друзьям за ваши вопросы И спасибо учителю за ваши ответы

    • #283685

      I don’t really understand the screen clearly enough to see how that helps me in my life.

      Im wanting to transform to giving, to altruism, but i dont understand how to move from ego to altruism in my day to day life.

      What am i missing?

      • #283704

        Sunlight travels millions of miles through cold and dark space.
        When it finally hits the spheres around the earth and the earth itself, they light up and warm up.
        Similarly, spiritual light is all around us, filling up the space.  In order to perceive it, it needs to hit something.  Since it is spiritual, it needs something spiritual to strike.  Spiritual light doesn’t react to the ozone or to rock and dirt.  The spiritual light can strike the spiritual screen.
        But this is just technical information, the most important is to come to feel all of this.

        We have a small problem.  We need some way to feel where is the place where I can make a spiritual action, a giving, altruistic action.  It is not clear.
        So there is something special here in the wisdom of kabbalah (reception).  We discover that I am made of a matter and the nature of that matter is a desire to receive pleasure.  I don’t have a choice, this is how I am built, this is how I live and not only me, all of reality is just degrees of the desire to receive.
        I live my life thinking I can do something good, that I am a good person.  It takes a long time until I discover the truth.  The truth is that I’m a liar.  The truth is that all I do, I do in order to benefit myself.  But when I discover my nature of reception for myself, this is the first spiritual truth that I “attain”.  Now I understand that according to my nature I can only receive and I discover that I need the help of the Creator, I need the force of bestowal.
        By this I start to build a vessel for the light of bestowal to fill me.
        And there is no light without a vessel.
        Good luck on this great adventure,

    • #283612

      Its said that we should try and follow the middle line as best as we can. To not be drawn too much to the left or right , as we will diverge from the true path. Can you give an example of how to do this in everyday life?


      • #283925

        Thank you Seth for the clear, inspiring response. I’ve never understood how to connect with the Creator;  I’ve just tried to figure things out on my own which never worked. I can see that there’s hope now. I’d almost given up.

      • #283703

        Our work is to always cleave to the right.
        The Creator provides the left.
        The work between these two will advance us on the middle.
        You see a war with your eyes and you feel disconnection, that is the Creator provides the left
        You cleave to good connections with others, you build your desire for love, you work in the right line
        The greater the distance between these two opposites, the higher one advances until the 125th degree.

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