Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #37709

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 92 total)
  • Author
    • #314239
      Lora Vatalaro

      I occasionally feel an irrational love for all the strangers I pass on the street.  I don’t set out to feel it, it just happens sometimes.  Is this a taste of where the Wisdom of Kabbalah hopes to take us?

    • #313528
      William Taylor

      Where are the responses for my questions Please?

      • #313628


        All responses should be directly under your questions.
        During the last several days all of the instructors were in Israel with our teacher for our annual global unity event.  So there may be some answers during this period that have yet to be answered.

    • #311577

      Curious: Are there any female instructors at KabU?

      • #312821

        It’s not common in public where we are teaching both men and women, that women will be teaching.
        There are a few videos by Tal on our youtube channel, you can search on youtube for Kabbalah Info.  You’ll see them there.
        In Israel there are other women teaching courses.
        Primarily men though.

        • #312899

          Thank you, I appreciate you.

    • #310891

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>There is a knowing I enjoy of he reality of World Peace. I know it exists already within the fabric of my current corporeal reality.. is this an example of faith above reason?</p>

      • #311038

        This is not faith above reason.
        Faith above reason is a spiritual perception that is called faith…it is not a blind faith, it is not imagination, it is a spiritual perception called faith that is above our reason, meaning for example our head.  So the body has a head that determines what the body will do and the corporeal head has a spiritual head, we’ll call it faith here for ease of understanding that is above the corporeal head that perceives a spiritual reality.
        It is named as “above reason” because as creatures of the earth, everything we measure is based on opposites.  Cold is only in reference to hot.  In is in relation to out.  Up is in relation to down.  Without this we cannot feel anything.
        So nature gave us reason and then from that we can develop something above reason.  The reason stays, it still exists and above it there is another sense that develops called faith…above reason.  Specifically not below reason and not within reason, but above reason.

    • #310686

      Life could be so beautiful and fulfilling if “Love your friend as yourself” occurred on a global scale. What are your recommendations for a person to prepare his/her/their actions with a correct intention while waiting to become a member of a group of 10?

      • #311034

        First of all, be prepared to understand that you are not prepared 🙂
        At the end of the day you will stand before yourself, after all that is what we are given to work with and the ego is very crafty, he doesn’t want to give up his domain, he will let you work for the others, to love the others as long as he is getting paid in the form of honor, respect, pride, etc.
        There is nothing to do about that.
        But examine it all, watch it happen, understand what is happening and how the ego works as you start to work to be able to love others, see how the ego allows it only as much as he is getting paid and how otherwise he doesn’t give you the power to work.
        We are not going to fight the ego.  That is not our work.
        We will only grow the importance of love and bestowal, that is how we ride on the big waves, above all the disturbances, constantly adjusting our balance.
        Good luck and have patience,

    • #310572

      Thank you for all you guys give to us in the past weeks in the courses. It’s really inspiring to see how structured is the Kabbalah science.

      One thing I’m still stuck and really want to seek help , is that after all these , the main point of Kabbalah is to build up and strengthen our connection to the Creator, which is great and I’m sure if i connect more it will bring me new levels of feelings in heart.

      My problem is, I still find myself very connected to the physical world, I still want to have more love from relationship, next level of experience in the world, more sustanance, etc. And I feel like the connection in Kabbalah connect us to the spiritual world and ignoring the physical life environment and the moment of NOW. I really feeling confused in the separation and really would like to seek help to make the two connect together… Pleat help.

      Thank you

      • #311033

        This is a very good question and right on target.
        The more we advance in the wisdom of kabbalah, the more our desires grow!
        Yes, it’s true.  The Creator wants to fill us with endless delight, for the time being we only have corporeal desires and they are growing and growing, soon we will also have spiritual desires and they will grow and grow too.
        We have in us desires on 4 degrees
        So, make a line between animal desires and spiritual desires.
        The lower 3 degrees of desires are your life as you’ve always lived and as you will continue to live, food, sex, family, money, honor, knowledge, power.
        So live with those like a normal person in this world.  Redo your kitchen.  Have a good dinner.  Go on vacation.
        Be a regular person.
        And regarding spirituality, develop your inner world so that regardless of whether you are at work, in the car, on the beach, on the mountain, in the grocery store, your heart is more and more in love with the Creator, more and more desires love and connection and slowly slowly you’ll see how all of the transformations happen gradually, naturally and comfortably.


Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 92 total)
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