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    • #430362

      This is massive, Gianni. Thank you for explaining this so well. Hope I can retain a portion of what you have given us.

      I do not have any questions at this point, just a small observation. I had read in one of the previous lectures (not sure where exactly) that all the worlds are copies of each other. Your illustration shows the structure of AK to be different than Atzilut. I am assuming that the worlds of Beria, Yetzira and Assiya are similar to Atzilut. Is that correct?

      Can’t wait to dig in the rest.

      • #430365

        It’s true, the worlds all follow the same format, but how that unfolds, and to be able to see that the format is the same, one needs very sophisticated eyes spiritually. For example, no scientist in our world is sophisticated enough to, for example, see that there is a lion, and then a lion flower, and something on the still level of lion qualities, and perhaps something on the human level, let alone something on the spiritual level. Later it will be very simple and clear, but for now, it’s beyond us.

        • #430366

          Mind blown. Thank you!

    • #367077

      I don’t understand a single word you said, all I could feel was some sort of fractal changing and adjusting and then changing again one within the other. And problems breathing as if all of this is literally taking my breath away. Ether way, what a profound, word-less experience. Let’s see how lost I get with the next one!

    • #364810
      Steve Miley

      Yes, this is incredibly difficult and thank you Molly I’m gonna use that glossary of terms so I guess I’ll start back to where I started to not understand which was quite a while ago and I thought if I kept pushing through that maybe I’d get the hang of it which is definitely not the case. so I’m gonna have to go back and do this lesson again memorize the terms and then if this is in fact, some extra dimensional space, I’m a fairly seasoned psychonaut, I believe it may be necessary to get very very high and watch the videos again perhaps it will come to me in a vision. The number thing I’m not even gonna go there at this point however, perhaps that’ll start to make sense too I may just need a different headspace and a different perspective maybe I’m that flatlander guy and I just don’t understand that third dimension is that next dimension up so I imagine the hack would be to go two dimensions higher , then looked back at this one and perhaps it’ll seem easy. I’m up for any ideas everybody if anybody has a good idea to explain what a chrysanthemum bud looks like to this blind man I would be all ears. Thanks everybody. Are there actually some of you out there that understand what is going on? It’s like all of a sudden everything is written in a different language language everybody is speaking French, or Swahili, and I seem to be out in left field with my hands in my pockets looking up at the clouds. That’s a baseball reference for those of you who might not live in the states. Thanks and shalom

    • #331178

      Hi All,

      I thought other students may find this link helpful ?

      The Link is at Kabbalah.Info (I am assuming this is the parent organisation ? same name etc)
      Its a Kabbalistic Terms Glossary by Dr Laitman

      The course glossary is very helpful but I find as Im unfamiliar with all the terms I need to return to basics sometimes Ie partzuf

      Bon Chance

    • #331163

      This all seems like a multi dimensional puzzle that is incredibly complex ..
      When people talk about mind boggling this is it!…. this is the archetype of mind boggling!!!!
      I have always thought that the creator and his worlds would operate in a simple way ( i mean simple as in : elegant ,efficient, nominal…Ochams razor and all that).
      Is it just our need to describe it in a language that makes its look so difficult and unwieldy ?
      How did the Kabbalaists ever determine that this was the process ?
      How would you “test” a “system” like this and know this was the chain of events?

      • #331175

        It is simple. Imagine hearing about our world, from some 2 dimensional or other kind of reality, where you have no things like what we experience here and you have different physics, different math. The problem is to enter that world. That’s also how Kabbalists determined what was there and how it works.

        • #331176

          Ok …Thank you

    • #311628
      Jack Brenon

      I have a question on the previous module of gematria.  What does it mean if someone had attraction into any of the letters and was able to recognize them and learn them easily without seeing them before?  More precisely:  Aleph, L, Shin.  It looks like they are in three different categories: 1, 30, and 300.  Are attraction to certain letters give one a clue to his spiritual root?  if so, what does the combination of  A,L,SH mean?

      I couldn’t ask Gil Shir as the video was a Youtube one and I couldn’t find it.

      • #311629

        Hi Jack,

        One can be attracted to Hebrew letters as they relate to the spiritual world, and so he can be drawn to them like he’s drawn to the wisdom of Kabbalah. He doesn’t know why but feels there’s something special about them. They all relate to his soul. They relate to different states of the soul. None are more relevant to you than the others. And one has no hope of decoding the Upper World from where we are; not through letters or anything else. We have no contact with it. It affects us but in ways that it is predecided that they will be utterly concealed, providing no clues whatsoever. If it seems I got a clue, it’s imaginary. Only by cleanly attaining the Upper Reality myself, systematically, like all Kabbalists had to, can I reveal what’s in the Upper World.

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