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    • #285353
      Arian parshan

      thank you my dear instructor, Gianni.

      can we consider that there are two kind of left and right lines,before Tzim tzum alef there are Hochma (desire to bestow)  and spiritual desire  ,,and after Tzim Tzum  bet these two force moved to middle line ,adam harishon and appeared in him as hassadim and AHP ( desire without massach)? or are we always under rule of upper will to bestow and receive  ?

      subsequently, can we say desire is first GE with massach and then become AHP and this AHP is our nature or part of adam harishon’s nature?

      • #285697

        Hi Arian,

        Try to ask a clear question that is one sentence and ends with a question mark. You remind me of how confused I was, as I was trying to understand with my intelligence. The Upper Light will work and that’s what will help you understand. For now, you’re assumptions are all wrong, but when the Light works, everything will be shifted into focus, and all your efforts will count towards your attainment. Only the efforts will count. The rest will be done from Above.

    • #285284
      El HangOut Zone

      Excuse my very basic question.

      Is this blueprint meant to be interpreted as an individual , or as a whole, meaning humanity?

      Are these phases we go as we start our journey on the on the wisdom or phases humanity has been on since creation?

      • #285309

        It’s not basic. 4 phases humanity goes through, the whole universe goes through, and every particle in it goes through. It’s hard for us to grasp how these paradoxically all belong to one thing, though. There’s no such thing as an individual. It’s an illusion.

    • #285208
      Arian parshan

      partzuf receive  light with massach ,with equivalence of form and after make middle line or sefirot ,middle line is similar to light and light can enter that with its pressure.

      is it true?.please explain different between partzuf and its production.if I am wrong

    • #285206
      Arian parshan

      hello dear Gianni, when lower GE connect  to upper AHP ,does that mean that lower one achieve quality of upper one ,and in this state they have one desire and make partzuf on that?

      if it be true ,according to that ,we connect  to each other and gradually reach common desire that is adam harishon’s desire and then we reach desire of creator in adhesion.

      • #285216

        They reach a relative similarity of form, in that state. It’s not that the lower one is exactly equal. It’s like I can go down to a baby, if he will be nullified to me and want to connect with me, then I can meet him where he is with certain qualities of mine where we can have a connection.

    • #283884

      The  name of  God      YaHaVa  seems to be thesame like Yehovah  in a  religion

      No  other questions


    • #282736

      I had similar questions to what has already been asked and answered here. Thanks

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 71 total)
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