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    • #282736

      I had similar questions to what has already been asked and answered here. Thanks

    • #282492

      No questions yet but taking in all the information! Very helpful, Thank You

    • #282255
      Richard Lively

      Do all of the four phases happen in all the 5 worlds meaning YHVH is in all 5 stages from Assiyah up to Adom Kadmon, or is this just in the most upper world of Adom Kadmon alone?  I feel they all happen in all 5 but I want to make sure im in the right thought of how the creation blueprint works.

      • #283896

        Hi Richard,

        With the 4 Phases of Direct Light, Kabbalists speak of the World of Eyn Sof. This establishes the blueprint that unfolds in all the worlds. It’s the same template but over different levels of Coarseness of Desire (aviut). For example, let’s say you have at the animate level a lion, and at the vegetative level a dandelion. If we understood nature we’d see that they are formed according to the same template but manifest according to which qualities are involved.

    • #281750

      I have questions about the fullness of what “controlling the Creator” means in its fullness?

      • #283897

        Just imagine – whatever I have a desire for, it’s already fulfilled. I want a Coke – it’s in my hand. I want steak, I already have it. Whatever I want, instant fulfilment. And by receiving it, I give the Upper Force contentment. Thus, it is dependent on me: I’m in control. Except that within me emerges the sensation of Shame at the fact that I am actually the receiver here because the Upper Force does all this out of love for me; while I do all that I’m doing out of the enjoyment I feel in my Will to Receive, and it’s all coming to me from Him. Therefore, he’s the sublime one, the bestower; while I am the lowly one, the receiver.

    • #281203
      Sol Belo

      I have a better grasp of these Four phases now.  The question now is what can I do with it!

    • #280896
      W Kabu 10-Joy

      Hi Gianni,

      I am a bit fuzzy about the idea of “controlling the Creator,” as stated in the + arrow info for Malchut in your drawing. I cannot recall having heard of this additional desire before, so can you help me with what “controlling the Creator” means?

      Thanking you in advance for your always excellent assistance.


      • #280902

        If you’ve had a baby that you really want to feed, and he’s refusing everything you offer, you understand who’s got the power: the baby. Malchut understands that due to the Upper Light’s will to bestow, she is, in the sense that she can either receive or not receive, in control now; and in that sense, it’s as though she is higher than the Upper Force.

        • #281004
          W Kabu 10-Joy

          Ah. That makes sense. Thanks, Gianni.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 72 total)
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