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    • #428597
      Ka Bubot

      From the beginning of the four phase, the Creator had an intention to do good which in turn produces a pleasure (light) to be bestowed to a receiver(creature). And in turn produces a desire to receive that pleasure. If this is correct, my question is are we dealing here with feelings, emotions since both pleasure and desire I think are feelings? And if they are, there is a consciousness driving them????

      • #428627

        Desire is the deficiency for pleasure. Light is it’s fulfilment. One’s entire life is feelings. We’re feeling creatures. So, spirituality is also all feelings. You’re conscious of what you’re conscious of though, so we have to be realistic about what we feel and do not yet feel.

    • #423324

      1. Are we born in this world in that state of Hochma? And then are we going through the other stages( till Malchud) until we realize ( awakening of points in our hearts) to make corrections of our desires to achieve  the equivalents of Form?

      2. To climbing up to reach the equivalents of Creator are we going up to the roots with evolution of our desires through the feelings what you describe on each level?

      • #423331

        Hi Ewelina,

        We are not in these stages. You’ll see as the course unfolds, where we are and why we need to learn about these prior stages.

        We need to be honest with ourselves. Our state is just as we feel it. And we need to progress to higher states.

    • #408514

      Hi Gianni,

      What can we do to develop or deepen our spiritual shame to the point of hatred?

      • #409664

        If one feels spiritual shame, that’s enough. Only we don’t feel it. Draw more Light from the study and connection with friends. This will reveal the state you’re already in, and that will be enough for a correct prayer.

      • #409661

        (of the ego)

    • #406095

      Hi Gianni, I always love your videos. My question is: How do we know where we are within the 125 steps or within the 4 phases? I am guessing that the order of the steps or the progress along them varies to each person, based upon the number of corrections that we have had within this life (and previous ones?). Am I correct? Thank you

      • #406298

        Thanks, Brendan.  The last lesson in this course explains this a bit. We’re not in these phases yet. These are the phases Kabbalists reveal having risen from our world to the top. We’re below all the worlds and need to rise, starting with the Restriction on the egoistic Will to Receive.

    • #387674

      I am wondering if I kind of grasping things correctly… or if am on the wrong track. I understood, the desire wants to receive, and thus takes from the light without asking, and then being caught in the act of „sneaking“, she is allowed to take. Is that right? And what would be the motor to that? Greediness? Her nature (the will to receive)?And then, … I do understand itś like that the love and bestowal of the creator in allowing her to take what she was about to steal gives her awareness of her lesser integrity in comparison to the creator. Thus caught, this awareness  of her own disparity of form humbles Malchut, and thus she feels shame, and most likely she wońt want to take what she was longing for, because it would induce more shame.  Is it like that? In the quiz the question was, what Malchut could do… I thought, if it was human affairs, an immature reaction would be to deny or project, a  mature reaction could be to  take responsibility and compensate… but then I am wondering, if Malchutś nature is to receive, should that not just be something she needs to accept? Is that the lesson needed to learn? Because itś impossible to change the nature… and then out of that the idea could be born to change the intention of that receiving… ?

      • #387787

        Hi Verena,

        It’s ok to understand that way for now. The important thing is to know the order of actions. What’s happening is that Malchut doesn’t know her nature, and so the Light fills Kelim [vessels] that weren’t scrutinized. She didn’t know that she’d receive it in that way, and now she’s already doing so. It’s not like all the calculations we have, where we can hide and so on; because it’s her and the Upper Light: there’s no where to hide.

    • #378896
      Frank Shongwe

      when the created being at bina revealed or discovered the giving force and wanted to be like the giver only to find that it is unable to do so, was this a mistake/miscalculation. if so was the miscalculation on the part of the creator or the created being. OR this was in the thought of creation that this will be the course of events.

      furthermore, it does seem to sound like the story of Adam and Eve that we have shallowly interpreted through religion. will i be correct to say so.

      • #378935

        Hi Frank,

        The 4 Phases are the patent of Creation by which the Upper Light makes the Created Being like the Light. It’s only a question of how conscious and participating is the Created a being in the process. But they happen either way by the Upper Light. That’s why here it’s called the 4 Phases of the Upper Light.

        You’re right that Adam is a spiritual structure that we’ll discuss later in this course.

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