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    • #329626
      Zealot Mines

      I have a question on reality? Is our reality the Creator?

      • #329628

        It’s the Creator as He presents Himself so that we would learn how to relate back to Him, in the form of bestowal.

    • #329282
      Zealot Mines

      Up to this point, I have never thought or heard of spiritual shame.. Are there possibly people who want or enjoy spiritual shame? So sort of arrogance?

      • #329284

        No, no one knows what it is. It’s reserved for special souls at high spiritual degrees. And a person can’t tolerate ordinary shame either. Everything one does is to avoid it. Otherwise one would live much differently.

    • #322606
      Tove Jo

      So do I understand it right that “the four faces” is the way, mecanism for our growt all the way up until we are corrected (punto esclamations do not work), Thank you

      • #322609

        The four phases talk about how the Upper Light builds the desire. We’re not yet talking about where we are in the picture since we are not in the picture yet. Later in the course we discuss our place in it.

    • #320545

      Here is a situation involving a couple that was resolved in a manner involving shame. Was the resolution ultimately an act of bestowal or simply an act of egoistic reception? The wife brought the couple four children, one of who died tragically. She became severely depressed and he dug into his work and self-medicated emotionally (not chemically).  One day he reported to his wife he had had a sordid encounter with a service person. She left the country for a pre-planned trip and when she returned she said she was disgusted and wanted a divorce. He agreed, and told the oldest son what he had done.  The youngest daughter picked up the mother, never to return to live with the man again. Now she lives with the youngest daughter, helping her care for a son born two years after the divorce was final. The man and the woman are now best of friends, though they never meet in person. Now the daughter is expecting a baby girl. Was the man’s shameful behavior a small price to pay for the happy outcome? Or will his shame continue to limit his growth?

      • #320548

        Nothing from the past needs to limit one’s spiritual advancement. I can’t say it in advance, but what has already happened was all the Creator. I have just one problem, that I’m still taking credit. A Kabbalist only looks forward. From now on, all my thoughts and intentions, I want them to be for the Creator, I don’t want to forget about the Upper Force that fills all of reality. And I’m not ashamed of anything because He’s doing everything. “Go to the Creator who made me, and tell Him what an ugly creation He’s made.”

    • #312920
      Mohamed Saidu Bah

      Hello Gianni

      what is the   best  way  to experience the  devine light?

      • #312939

        Hi Mohamed,

        A person needs to go from our natural state where all our desires and thoughts are in order to receive, to a state where on top of my natural desire I have an intention that is in order to bestow to the Upper Force, which all my desires and everything else come. Then I feel the Upper Light becuase it is bestowing and I am bestowing, and so we feel each other through equivalence of form. Of course, doing this requires mastery of the entire wisdom of Kabbalah. This is the only thing we’re in this world to do.

    • #303328

      How you can feel pleasure in the shame?

      • #303336

        Shame we are willing to die rather than experience. Our whole lives we do almost nothing except for hedging against any incidence of shame. We can’t enjoy shame.

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