If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 8. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 2 If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

  • #55413

    If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 138 total)
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    • #328491

      Door open  te staan voor alles wat ik zal  /kan  meemaken  in deze  wereld en de hand  van God    te zien  in  de gebeurtenissen, Er gebeurt niets dat de  Creator niet wil en Hij wil alleen het goede  voor  ons.  Ik wil proberen  alles te aanvaarden wat op mijn pad  komt  en werken  aan  meer spiritualiteit. Ik zou veel studeren in Kabbalah,   mijn  dagelijks gebed  in  dank  aan Hem  toewijden . En dankbaar zijn voor de natuur en  alles in Zijn Schepping  zien als uiting van  Zijn oneindige liefde

    • #327113

      plead from my heart with all earnestness.

    • #322138
      Dante Yigael

      If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

      Search for it in all things.

    • #321291

      I would let go of all and submit to its will

    • #320704

      By studying Kabbalah in here, trying to see Him in everything around me, as there is none else besides Him, and praying.

    • #318866

      By deeply feeling the need to be similar to  the Creator, by working on ego annulment, by thinking of the welfare of others, before my own.

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 138 total)
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