If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 8. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 2 If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

  • #55413

    If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 132 total)
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    • #334438

      Take Kabu class, talk to Creator, read the books start to shift your intention to full purpose of creation. Have a desire for Creator.

    • #333641

      It is said that to attract the reforming light we should scrutinize the kabalah texts, get a teacher and surround  ourselves with the right environment.

      Observe myself and find out what I’m lacking and pray for help while I surrender myself.

    • #333339

      Submitting my will, giving up my want to do it on my own way

    • #331382

      prayer and study.

    • #330865

      I would wish to attract the reforming light by these goals and tasks :

      Study and read-about the Kabbalah
      Study Kabbalah in a group of like minded people who are also seeking the creator and whose point in the heart has awakened.
      Focus on my desire to attain spirituality and become like the creator as the most important of any of my many desires .
      Be guided by teachers who have studied Kabbalah and are closer to attainment of degrees of spirituality, in a recognised tradition of Kabbalah study with historical provenace.

    • #330759
      John Caton

      Prayer seems to be foremost. But, I also would seek understanding of desires that are “bestowal for the sake of the Creator”.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 132 total)
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