Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 835 through 840 (of 992 total)
  • Author
    • #40710
      Rosaleen Canning

      Hi my name is Rosaleen and born an R/C and I found the story of Jesus horrific and couldn’t grasp as a child why he didn’t just save himself from that kind of death, I mean there must be a better way to save us than being nailed to a cross.. and all this for me! who would never ask such a thing of any body… So I didn’t think much of God “the father” and felt guilty that I contributed to all this somehow… Then I went to jehova meetings and again didn’t think much of a god who would ask a man (abraham) to sacrifice his hard gotten son an then at the last minute sort of saying naw only jokin there’s a ram in the bushes, lousey or what?… Then moses meets him, jis a guy with a stammer in hiding.. and he instructs him like some sort of field marshal ie how to attack, what to attack and leave no thing alive.. So this is the type of God who’s going to judge me, I’ve no chance I would definitely not like to run into him in a dark alley so to speak, I’ve then looked at books like fingerprints of the gods and found there’s a jesus type story all through the passage of time, and all of the different people everywhere say mostly the same thing as regards creation, and that is that a”god or gods” created them, so here am I now 61 and still trying to find the loving god… I joined born again christians, they were loving enough as long as u weren’t homosexual and if u were then pray about it, so again judgments, came across this on YouTube, and been checking out the live chats and it seems complicated, in the box, out of the box,in reality not even the box at all, been listening to sadhguru, osho love them, hard not to they’re so sweet… so yes I’m very much seeking the “what’s it all about anyway”, sorry its long xx

    • #40679
      Michael Shreffler

      Hello my name is Michael, I ran across this website from Kabbalahinfo YouTube video. I’ve been a seeker of truth for some time, but wasn’t really sure what that meant. I always felt different then other people, and distant from most relationships. But since my spiritual journey started in and through “normal” Christianity, God of this Universe led me to seek a deeper truth. So Kabbalah has surfaced in my research a lot lately, so I am here to connect and go deeper with God, our Divine Source of truth. Thank you and God bless

    • #40678
      Paolo Calvaruso

      I wonder why Kabbalah would have been revealed only now, what are the criteria that make this generation worth recieving publically the access to wisdom of Kabbalah and, also, I wonder what passages of the Bible mean in the language of roots & branches because we often hear kabbalistic explainations for Genesis, but rarely for other Bible books and passages.

    • #40676
      Romana Suciu

      Hi, I am Romana I came accros this site by watching on youtube about Kabala. I feel that is more to life that what we can perceiv through our senses.  I am interested what I can do to go beyond material world.

    • #40667
      Nina Shelashsky

      Hi, I questioned reality since I was a child. I hope that this course will give some answers and new questions 🙂

    • #40665
      Anthony Bergin

      Hi, I’m Anthony. I’m here because I have been on a life awakening journey for the past 15 years. It was triggered by a near death experience NDE.

Viewing 6 posts - 835 through 840 (of 992 total)
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