Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 547 through 552 (of 992 total)
  • Author
    • #43778

      Hi everyone! My name is Cooper Williams, living in Idaho. I started this class after listening to Kabbalah Revealed. From this course I’d like to better understand how to truly be happy. I’d also like to be able to hold an unconditional love for my fellow humans. Thanks!

    • #43675
      bed Thapa

      hi,my name is saran thapa and i am interested on learning kabbalah’s teachings.

    • #43651

      Hello dearest friends my name is Yaneth Angel from New Jersey it’s amazing be with all you and learning with Tony how to resolve our insecurities when we have to deal with the world that is surrounding all us.!!

    • #43648

      Hi everyone. I am Jacqueline and I live in Florida. I don’t know what to expect. My heart, mind and soul are open and ready.

    • #43638
      erwin Oliphant

      Hi, my name is Erwin from South Africa,city of Durban, I’m here to  gain some knowledge about finding myself and what my purpose is in this lifetime..

    • #43633

      Hola mi nombre es Yuliana, nací en Costa Rica
      Empecé a buscar información acerca de la cabalá, después de una ceremonia donde consumí hongos, durante la ceremonia me venía la palabra “cabalá”, nunca antes la había escuchado y a partir del momento donde empecé a investigar me enamore y ahora no quiero parar de estudiar.
      Estuve buscando acá si había algún lugar de estudio, como no lo encontré he buscado mucho en íntenet y así encontré este espacio.

Viewing 6 posts - 547 through 552 (of 992 total)
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