Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #321137

      Hello! My name is Roger. Happy and grateful to be here learning, with each one of you!

      • #336055

        Thank you Dr. Gerry 🙏

        I am on the path and getting the true sensation of “there is none else besides Him”. I am in a regular learning group and riding the ascents and descents of spiritual development. Wish you and the whole human kind to keep opening up for the radiance of the Book of Zohar 💖✨

    • #320761

      Hello you all, I am currently in Kabbalah in action observing the ego and the qualities of reception and bestowal in the daylife, and is interessting and fun and transformative. Nonetheless I feel I need to be in other realms, where I am perceiving different, other than through senses. And so now I get prepared to beginn to read the Zohar.

    • #319960

      Hi…my name is Richard. I am here to learn the path of life

    • #319907
      Yael Ahava

      Shalom i’m Yael Ahava Angel I live with my husband in Jerusalem Israel.I decided to focus on Kabbalah studies because i know this is the way where i have to go.I’m so happy to be here.If i study Kabbalah, i have to be in a serious school and be with Dr Laitman i know for sure, that i have the best teacher and the best teachers that follows the road of the teachings of one of the best Kabbalist in XX century.Rab Ashlag and his son the Rabash.

      I this this course is a base to understand everything about the history of the Zohar.

      Yael Ahava Angel.

    • #319135
      Michael Schwartz

      Hi my name is Michael Schwartz. I live in NYC I have taken several Kabu courses and I am most interested in learning more about the Zohar.

    • #319020

      Hello everyone my name is Simi and I’m here to learn the teachings of the Zohar

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 422 total)
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