Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 422 total)
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    • #317869



      Jennifer (JC) in Colorado.  I’ve known of the Zohar for some years.  In the past I had a few books on Kabbalah which I didn’t relate to and I now know that they were derivative works on the more material side (well, new agey stuff).  I want to understand authentic Kabbalah and the work of the Zohar.

    • #317811

      hello dear friends,

      Here Cristina, a student of kabbalah. wishing you much love and awakening with a pure open heart


      thank you Seth, you are transparent and a very special being, thank you brother Kabbalist!

    • #316579
      John Caton

      I’m John Caton. Before enrolling in KabU, I was engaged in finding and studying ancient religious writings. I was seeking to learn the origins of modern religious views. It was during that time that I learned of the Zohar. That discovery led to Kabbalah which I knew of, but knew nothing about. That led to KabU and 10 weeks of courses. I’m looking at the pathways ahead, certainly the Graduate Environment. But in looking at the other courses, I saw this one and remembered it was the discovery of Zohar that brought me here and I need to know more about it while I evaluate future paths.

    • #316305

      Hi, I have no idea what to expect, I just know that, for some reason, I’m drawn to the Zohar

    • #316071

      I´m Leanne.  I´m looking to learn how to read The Zohar to attract the light to my life and journey.

    • #315213

      Hi, I am Stella, love reading the bible,  to study the book of Zohar is the next step in reaching the light and to know much more about the creator and created beings

Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 422 total)
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