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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,135 through 1,140 (of 5,895 total)
  • Author
    • #364796
      neeraj gautam

      My name is Neeraj, I am from India and I am a digital marketer

    • #364705
      K spike

      Hello, my name is Yosef. I’ve been studying Torah for a few years, Talmud, Gemara. But now becoming more interested in Kabbalah, I’m looking for guiguidance and learning the mechanics and understanding the concepts for further wisdom.

    • #364699

      Hi, my name is Odile and I am from France. I have a PhD in literature, and I have also studied history. But my main interest is spirituality. I have been interested in Kabbalah for years, and thought that it would be too difficult to learn Hebrew. But since I managed to learn Japanese, why not Hebrew?

    • #364695

      Hello, my name is Ingeborg. I live in the Netherlands. I am worried about the state we are in on this planet. I am looking for answers and I am hoping to learn how to shift my pessimistic perspective to a happy one.

    • #364681

      Hello, I am just a seeker of light. Many years ago, I had a cursory contact with Kabbalistic literature, but it was probably not from a very accurate source. I am a Freemason, and recently attended a Scottish Rite reunion. In the teaching there was some reference to parallels between Freemasonry and Kabbalah. I watched the 6+ hour Kabbalah Revealed video on YouTube and some of the dots seemed to begin to connect, albeit without complete clarity….if that is even possible in this lifetime.

    • #364618

      Hello, I’m Kim. Here to learn. I’m from Ghana.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,135 through 1,140 (of 5,895 total)
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