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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,147 through 1,152 (of 6,434 total)
  • Author
    • #388833

      I am Max and find myself exploring multiple paths of spirituality, formal and self guided, trying to answer the questions of why was there a desire that started duality, what is the deepest source of the desires that flow from the design, how to honour the reality we find ourselves in as well as transcend to explore what is beyond in practically and experientially. I came from a jewish household but it has not been a big part of my spiritual quest, instead I and have explored the esoteric of so many other cultures, yet it now feels very right that I turn to the deeper teachings of my birth paradigm.

    • #388760
      Biata Utterbach

      My name is Biata. I have come here to enjoy life and to enjoy it more abundantly, as stated in the words of Jesus. I am a beneficiary in this great inheritance of life as well as a benefactor. I wish to know myself, life and the worlds and experience love and joy and fulfillment forever. I want to be a vessel as well. A giver.

    • #388708

      I just wrote an introduction but I wish to find out more about Kabbalah.

    • #388707

      Hi my name is Ronald Lewis, living in Chicago presently. I have had interest in this type of matter for a very long time. I hope to find something meaningful for life here.

    • #388694

      Hi, I am Irina from United States excited to learn more about Kabbalah and its wisdom.

    • #388563
      Susana Baima

      Susan, from Argentina. I hope our time zones coincide when Tony is available because I have a lot of questions.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,147 through 1,152 (of 6,434 total)
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