Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #334948

      Hi from Australia.  My name is Sue.  I have been searching for the reason for our being since the 1970’s!  I heard about Kabbalah, probably in the early 80’s but at that time it was considered a mystical subject and I really didn’t understand it’s purpose.  Having studied many different subjects to find an answer to my questions and a reason for my hardships in life – subjects such as hypnosis, The Secret, Kundalini, various methods of spiritual attainment, Affirmations, etc – I guess I finally formed my prayer correctly and ended up right back here!  Oh, how I wish this was available in the 70’s.
      I am so eager to learn and finally find some peace and reconciliation and understanding in and of life.  Thank you for the opportunity and for providing this knowledge in such an open and honest way.

    • #334908
      Tammy Ardoin

      Good morning, I am Tammy, it is nice to meet everyone and I look forward to our journey of Learning together! I feel so very blessed to have found this course. I have been praying and asking HaShem to help me find the correct teaching for Kabbalah and those prayers have been answered because I was lead here! Thank you and may God bless everyone.

    • #334907

      Hi Everyone,

      My name is Gamelah. I have been searching for a way to reach spiritual fullness for many years. My journey has brought me here and I’m grateful and excited to learn and grow.

      Peace & Love,


    • #334899

      Greetings to you teacher and all students. I am Jun from Japan. In private I am now studying labour and social security law to get an official qualification from the Japanese state.   I wish to know the meaning of life why I was born, and the hidden history of kabbalah. I am looking forward to learning and studying this wonderful knowledge with all of you in this community. Thank you for offering this course.

    • #334855
      Zachary Hanlon

      Hello! I have gotten to a point with my spirituality and the Bible that has landed me clearly here. Excited to dive in!

    • #334853
      Allen Eustace

      Hi All,

      I have come to study the Kabbalah to increase my understanding on how to be more loving to myself and others and how to navigate life preferably on the path of light. Also to understand the mystical side of Life. Also to see current issues, attack on Israel, in the light of why the Chosen people seem to suffer so much and to embrace the Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.

      Nam myoho renge kyo,



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