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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,585 through 1,590 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #369754
      Maggie Manos

      Hello.  I’m Margaret I mostly go by Maggie.  My interest Kabbalah started about 10 years ago.  I look forward to attaining a deeper understanding.

    • #369743

      Hi, my name is Paul and I still hope for a spiritual life despite the abuses of the christian brothers.

    • #369734

      Hi, My name is Karen. I live in Holland. I’ve felt drawn to and studied spirituality most my life. I’ve always felt different from other people. Due to the way I grew up, I was set up to experience a great deal of stress, sadness and (mental) agony. BUT I’ve simultaneously lived a wonderfully adventurous life. 15 years ago something ‘clicked into place’ when I was investigating the ego and found A Course in Miracles. I’ve studied AND practised these teachings since. 6 years ago my life erupted into hell on earth. The day it did there was a white dove on my barn roof all day. This gift kept me alive and willing. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’ve climbed out of the crater that was caused; I had a lot to learn, that’s for sure. Hahahaha. I am now consciously aware of the direct relationship with Him. Yet I do not pretend to know Him or anything for that matter. But I do KNOW that I’m guided by The Holy Spirit and have learned to trust this up to a point where I decide as little as possible as to what should happen. This opened up the miraculous indeed!!
      I have followed the invisible Teacher for a long time and feel I’ve reached a point where I’m stuck between 2 worlds which causes great discomfort cos all I want to do is ‘go Home’. I’ve studied all sorts of forms of spirituality and history, quantum- and metaphysics and lots more, which have all helped shape my understanding to what it is now.
      3 weeks ago I was ‘handed’ the Kaballah to dive into. I’d seen it pass by many many times in the past, but never felt compelled to look into it. Until now. Instantly I felt a connection like I did when I was given ACIM. It makes total sense to me. I’m sure this is what will take me beyond the barrier I’ve encountered. I’ve always done all of this work/study on ‘my own’, never having had anyone I could share any of it with. Feeling different before has turned into feeling like an alien. Thank God He is with me ;-)!! Saw the KabU weekend which (of all places) is in Holland this year, so I reckon that this is the next step. Connection with like minded people. In my ‘work’ I can see the direction heading more and more to bestowel, which is something (without realising it) I’ve been growing into for the last 3 years. I have no words to express my gratitude. I’m looking forward to meeting you all. Much Love.

    • #369672
      Jonathan Moore

      Hello, I’m Jonathan. I live in the UK and I have a wife and two adult children. Hoping to learn something new and where we go from there… only the great invisible knows. Good luck to everyone on their journeys.

    • #369611

      Hi my name is Enver and I want to learn more about Kabalah and communicate with people like myself, on a spiritual level.


    • #369604

      hello.Im Elnaz . Im here to study kabbalah im so excited about it and i hope we can help each other throw it. bad in english but still trying

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