Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,957 through 1,962 (of 5,893 total)
  • Author
    • #325275
      John Rogers

      Hello. A week ago I would have never thought of being here and doing this.

      I have no expectations, as I am a beginner in this.


    • #325251
      Lorenzo I. Azpurua

      Hola me llamo Lorenzo, ya hice el curso hace como no se 10 años pero quiero refrescar y volver a ver cosas que antes no vi. Pasado mucho me divorcié me volví a casar tuve un hijo…mis padres murieron etc. pero madure mucho y esos estudios se mantuvieron conmigo siempre y me han abierto los ojos en ver y crecer. A ver que me dice el creador esta vez!

    • #325231

      Hello, my name is Hazan. The reason I joined this course was the experience I had for two consecutive nights. During meditation, I had a contact. This entity showed me some geometric shapes and explained how the universe works. It was a really strange experience. The next day, I communicated with this entity again and wanted to know its name. It said its name was Zohar. I asked if it had another name in its life cycle, and the answer was Moses. I live in Turkey. I am a spiritual person, but I have never been interested in Judaism until now. I thought all of this experience was a play of my subconscious. When I woke up the next day I did a Google search and I realized that Zohar is an important book in Kabbalah. When I learned that its author was Moses de Leon I got goosebumps all over. When I examined the Zohar book a little, I saw that the information given to me was almost the same. After this experience, I joined this course to learn more about Kabbalah. Right now, I’m just trying to connect the dots.

    • #325206

      Hey there, colleagues!
      I wanted to express my gratitude for this chance to introduce myself. My name is Jacob, and I’m excited to dive into the fascinating world of Kabbalah. My goal is to fully understand every concept and theory in Kabbalah so that I can create a revolutionary Kabbalah Chat GPT 🙂
      I wish you all the best of luck!
      Cheers, MosheMinion

    • #325199
      patrick diederich

      Hello fellow students,

      I look forward becoming a part of this community. May we become the change one wants to see in the world! Aho!

    • #325176

      Hi All,

      I have been studying the nature of reality for many years and am recently more interested in Simulation Theory. I have enrolled in this course to study Kabbalah. It looks like Kabbalists have many intersections with Simulation Theory on the Nature of Reality…

      We will see…


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