Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,939 through 1,944 (of 6,403 total)
  • Author
    • #337715

      Hello, my name is David Nokes. I started on a course with KabU about 4+ years ago, and let it go–discontinued study in this program, I am not sure why. Since, I have studied the writings of Sri Aurobindo, which were very good, but somehow, I thought, demanded more from me than I was able to give in pursuit of receiving the Supermind. There is something that seems right, and very appealing in what I have gathered from listening to a number of Kabbalah Revealed segments. I have been thinking, perhaps I should give this learning process in Kabbalah more time, to be more patent and open to the possibilities. So here I am. I hope that the course will encourage further study and effort, and make possible openings in my ability to observe the real, and pure, higher consciousness.

      • #337888
        Tammy Ardoin

        Good morning Victoria, your journey sound a little similar to mine. It is nice to meet you and I hope you find everything you are looking for with this community. What courses are you currently taking?

    • #337687

      Greetings from Kazakhstan!

    • #337636

      Hello everyone, my name is Defrant. I’m from Indonesia. I recently discovered Kabbalah (about two months ago) and I’m eager to learn more about it.

    • #337559

      Hello, my name is Phoenix. I’m still in awe over how my life path leads me here. I would say that I’m not sure why, but I think I do. I’m here and ready to expand this journey. Peace and blessings to you all.

    • #337550

      Greetings everyone. My given name is Jonathon; Jonny is easier. I’ve been in a spiritual growth journey and was given a link to this group. I enjoy learning and growing and am excited to be here.

    • #337544
      Scott Myers

      Hi. My name is Scott Myers. I am a 63-year old father of three and businessman orginally from California now living in Mexico. I would like to learn more about Kabbalah.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,939 through 1,944 (of 6,403 total)
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