Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #337930

      My name is Fernando from Brazil. My expectation from this courses is to learn principals which I can apply in my daily routines and understandings.

    • #337922

      Hello Dear Ones, My name is Debra and I registered for this course because a friend from High School expressed interest. (Class of 1981… age is a figment of imagination 😉 )  I haven’t seen him in here yet, but since it’s Christmas Eve, I am sure he is pre-occupied. I hope he will soon register, too! Get over here Paul!

      For the last 4 years I have been the main caregiver for my mom (84 and truly sharp) and my older sister who has many and varied disability challenges. The CoVid years were a hoot at my house! Over the last 6 months, mom has experienced some pesky health issues that she has never had before, so currently, I am mom’s caregiver exclusively, and my sister has various agency caregivers throughout the week.

      What do I expect from this course? Well, let’s get right to the point. VeAhavta. (Hebrew) “And You Will Love.” That we will together build a loving environment that creates the strongest bond of mutual community. That each and every one here will authentically connect as we together “come and see” on the journey of this science of love’s discovery. Too much? Love has no limits! <3

      VeAhavta… your neighbor as yourself,



      • #338002

        Hola VeAhavta! I signed up last night late and here I am. Im liking what I reading so far. Im going to keep going on the intro stuff………..My email is so we dont have to keep facebooking or we can do instant messenger, or this. Nice to be here and thanks for the nudge

        • #338007

          Hey Paul. Woohoooo,.. you made it. Thanks for the email. I sent you an email already. This course can get deep, so yes, probably good to keep some discussions off facebook for now. Should we tell everyone here we are Diablos? HAHA! The material will resonate with you for sure. Thank you for the nudge, too. There are a lot of pre-class videos to get to for preparation. Have you viewed any yet? Onward we all go…


    • #337792

      Hello, my name is Adam. I am a mental health therapist and philosopher, interested in the nature of who we are. I don’t have any expectations from the course.

    • #337774
      R. VARGA

      Hello, my blood is 100% Hungarian but because some events, I was born in France.

      I am an Associate Professor – Economics and Finance.

      I want to improve my spirituality’s level.

      I live in Taiwan since many years.

      Let’s see what the future will bring 🙂


    • #337772

      Hi everyone, my name is Nuria Ana. I was born and raised in Cuba. I left the country in 1993 and I am living in the Netherlands right now.

    • #337752

      Hello everyone, I’m 36 years old and was born and raised in Eastern Europe / Romania. I’ve recently came across several of Tony’s videos on YouTube regarding Kab and been drawn to look deeper into the topics approached especially into how we perceive reality. Happy to be here and looking forward to get educated into this subject and others.

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