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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #337739

      Hello beautiful Kabucommunity ❤️

      My name is Victoria, 35 y.o., living in NYC. I am married, mother of two amazing children – 9 and 11 years old, a dog, a hamster, and 2 fishes :)) I am here because I related deeply to one of Tony’s videos on YouTube where he explains the desire within the heart. I felt that desire/ void ever since I remember myself. It expressed itself in multiple forms within me, from innocent questions as a kid to desperate curiosity as an adult. The questions to which I couldn’t find answers as a child became maniac searches as an adult, to a point where the more answers I found the more lost and disconnected I felt. I examined each major religion, new age systems, as well as science in hopes of finding the common themes of God’s proof of existence. I felt  deep dimensions of love that felt as hugs from God himself as well as deep dark abyss from where climbing up felt impossible. Although intellectuality didn’t give me the answers I was looking for, it sorted out the veils and distractions, brought me more clarity, and most importantly – it erased the doubts of God’s existence.
      It took darkness and pain that felt like death so the mind would become humble and step aside to let the heart take the driver’s seat.
      I’m looking forward to growing together and sharing experiences through this community ❤️

    • #337715

      Hello, my name is David Nokes. I started on a course with KabU about 4+ years ago, and let it go–discontinued study in this program, I am not sure why. Since, I have studied the writings of Sri Aurobindo, which were very good, but somehow, I thought, demanded more from me than I was able to give in pursuit of receiving the Supermind. There is something that seems right, and very appealing in what I have gathered from listening to a number of Kabbalah Revealed segments. I have been thinking, perhaps I should give this learning process in Kabbalah more time, to be more patent and open to the possibilities. So here I am. I hope that the course will encourage further study and effort, and make possible openings in my ability to observe the real, and pure, higher consciousness.

      • #337888
        Tammy Ardoin

        Good morning Victoria, your journey sound a little similar to mine. It is nice to meet you and I hope you find everything you are looking for with this community. What courses are you currently taking?

    • #337687

      Greetings from Kazakhstan!

    • #337636

      Hello everyone, my name is Defrant. I’m from Indonesia. I recently discovered Kabbalah (about two months ago) and I’m eager to learn more about it.

    • #337559

      Hello, my name is Phoenix. I’m still in awe over how my life path leads me here. I would say that I’m not sure why, but I think I do. I’m here and ready to expand this journey. Peace and blessings to you all.

    • #337550

      Greetings everyone. My given name is Jonathon; Jonny is easier. I’ve been in a spiritual growth journey and was given a link to this group. I enjoy learning and growing and am excited to be here.

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