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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,041 through 2,046 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #321919

      My name is Clair. Im a 41 y.o. Registered Nurse currently enrolled in my final year of Nurse Practitioner school. I feel that the deeping of my knowledge in traditional medicine is not answering or satisfying my desire to be of service in a way that feels whole or right. So Im turning here as an adjunct to my current studies. I decided to join after watching Kabbalah Revealed on youtube.

    • #321900

      Hello my name is Pamela, I’m 40 and I’m looking for answers about life.

    • #321811


      My name is Michael, I’ve been searching for these answers since I was 16. I finally find them here. Thanks for all the information.

    • #321806

      Hi, my name is Paolo, 43 y.o., italian.


      I’ve started doing kabalistic meditation one year ago, during a dark period of my life, and things started to get better.


      I’m not looking for “magic powers”, I just wish to improve spiritually, stop looking for temporary pleasures and being driven by pulsions in order to “get back home”. What I like most of Kabalah is that it links some wisdoms that are also part of oriental philosophies to the quest for God.

    • #321805
      Reva Ananda

      I’m Reva. I’ve been intrigued by ancient knowledge and cultures since I was 10. I’ve since then started exploring quantum physics. I recently came across Mystery Teachings by Dr. Teresa Bullard on Gaia and was fascinated by how the Kabbalah teachings tie so closely to Quantum Physics. Like many here, I’ve undergone a life full of personal struggles and challenges. I’m looking to satisfy my hunger for information, find some answers and connect with a community I can interact with.

    • #321804

      My name is Tara. I have a deep desire to learn all I can about Kabbalah as all learning so far resonates with what I sense as truth. I look forward to the content of this course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,041 through 2,046 (of 5,901 total)
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