Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,053 through 2,058 (of 5,275 total)
  • Author
    • #307767


      My name is Jales De Mello, and I live in Ontario – California.  I am interested in learning the correct way of leading a life of true rewards, and it seems that through the studies and practice of Kabbalah, we may find that path.

    • #307759


      My name is Zach florez. I live in America and I decided to enroll in Kabbalah due to my desire to find a more meaningful life. Also to see how my inner and outer life can improve, for me and all around.

    • #307741


      My name is Gustavo Carvalho. I live in Brazil and I decided to enroll in Kabbalah due to my desire to find a more meaningful life.

      My brother studied Kabbalah for years and has a huge influence in my spiritual journey.

      Thus, I’m really excited to be here and to start what I think it’s going to be a very important journey in my life.

    • #307715

      Hi, My name is Craig

      I live in South Africa seems fate has brought me here on this wonderful journey…


    • #307714
      Seeker of Wisdom

      Hello my name is John. I have been on the spiritual journey for several years after overcoming a difficult upbringing where hatred was taught in many forms. As I studied and matured I realized I had more in common with people than differences and I began to respect others as well as to study and learn from others. I have a Pastoral diploma/degree now and I have studied comparative religion and have found hints of the sacred science behind them all. I have a deep yearning to draw closer to HaShem/Creator and feel I can never learn enough. My true desire is to be close to Him. —Blessings to You all-

    • #307703

      Hi! I’m Maria, from Lisbon, Portugal. I hope to find my purpose and achieve it. Thank you!

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