Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,071 through 2,076 (of 6,439 total)
  • Author
    • #335781

      Hi Friends, I am David. I am delighted to learn about Kabbalah. Hoping to get some spiritual insights and get in touch with higher realities of life.

    • #335664


    • #335662
      Space Alien

      Now that this knowledge is no longer hidden, I want to learn it so that I can not only help myself but others too

    • #335620

      Hiya. I’m Gilbert from Australia. I’ve recently graduated from university with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics, and am now looking to direct my personal studies in a more metaphysical direction. I’m hoping to become better acquainted with the Tree of Life and the spiritual worlds, improve in recognising the nature of divinity and the interconnectedness of everything, and attain greater wisdom and insight.

    • #335617
      Adson Cristian

      I’m Adson, from Brazil. I’ve always been attracted by Jewish matters, including Torah and Kabalah, I expect to learn what Kabalah is all about and how I can deal with it for a better life.

    • #335610
      Darius Wilson

      Hi my name is Darius and I’m wanting to learn how to attain higher reality

Viewing 6 posts - 2,071 through 2,076 (of 6,439 total)
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