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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,083 through 2,088 (of 5,275 total)
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    • #307481

      Hi I’m Yehoshua from Australia, now living in Israel. I am seeking the foundations of Kabbalah to connect to the group & The Upper Force in the study.

    • #307404

      Hi I’m Anca and I am from Romania.

      In the past I was a student of Dr. Michael Laitman, I was in two Kabbalah Congresses. All the ideas that I learned changed the perspective about reality. Since then I tried different spiritual paths but I wasn’t able to discover myself.

    • #307357

      Hello I am Dale-

      I have long considered myself a seeker but despite my seeking,  I still sense something missing.  I was introduced briefly to Kabalah about a decade ago and though I was interested in this science, I wasn’t certain it was for me. Since, I have continued to feel inclined to revisit my interest in Kabalah and I hope that this teaching can help me understand that which still seems to be missing.

    • #307355


      Glad to be here. My neighbors are making it difficult to study Kabbalah. In fact, Paul Pulley, is his name, believes he owns the internet, my soul and has done some horrible things to me to exploit my religious freedom. It’s been a nightmare and is complicated. After Covid started strange and spooky distances from afar behaviour started with him. I have tried to explain this to many people but it appears everyone is in a zombie state here in Skamania County, Washington state. I am not one for zoom camera share. With the distance I put between his  evil. He can be reached at 22 First Street #3 where he spreads nasty hate rhetoric from his home and does voice overs to lie and deceive people. It’s become a great problem that I have almost lost everything I have owned. He has collected so much information on me, tried to brainwash me that he is the owner of my life, like I said and he invented Kabbalah. It’s disgusting. I was taking course from which he again, thinks he created and he owns me. I rely on the light in every thing I do. He convinced my friends and neighbors I was Moses and had to leave my home and be treated like a dirty jew. It’s been a horrible experience. I hope to find peace, love and light here in this community.



      PS. Is there anyone here in the Marysville WA area? It would be nice to connect with a person involved in these philosophies and meet on a regular basis for discussion and support. Thank you!

    • #307354


      Glad to be here. My neighbors are making it difficult to study Kabbalah. In fact, Paul Pulley, is his name, believes he owns the internet, my soul and has done some horrible things to me to exploit my religious freedom. It’s been a nightmare and is complicated. After Covid started strange and spooky distances from afar behaviour started with him. I have tried to explain this to many people but it appears everyone is in a zombie state here in Skamania County, Washington state. I am not one for zoom camera share. With the distance I put between his  evil. He can be reached at 22 First Street #3 where he spreads nasty hate rhetoric from his home and does voice overs to lie and deceive people. It’s become a great problem that I have almost lost everything I have owned. He has collected so much information on me, tried to brainwash me that he is the owner of my life, like I said and he invented Kabbalah. It’s disgusting. I was taking course from which he again, thinks he created and he owns me. I rely on the light in every thing I do. He convinced my friends and neighbors I was Moses and had to leave my home and be treated like a dirty jew. It’s been a horrible experience. I hope to find peace, love and light here in this community.



      PS. Is there anyone here in the Marysville WA area? It would be nice to connect with a person involved in these philosophies and meet on a regular basis for discussion and support. Thank you!

    • #307353


      Glad to be here. My neighbors are making it difficult to study Kabbalah. In fact, Paul Pulley, is his name, believes he owns the internet, my soul and has done some horrible things to me to exploit my religious freedom. It’s been a nightmare and is complicated. After Covid started strange and spooky distances from afar behaviour started with him. I have tried to explain this to many people but it appears everyone is in a zombie state here in Skamania County, Washington state. I am not one for zoom camera share. With the distance I put between his  evil. He can be reached at 22 First Street #3 where he spreads nasty hate rhetoric from his home and does voice overs to lie and deceive people. It’s become a great problem that I have almost lost everything I have owned. He has collected so much information on me, tried to brainwash me that he is the owner of my life, like I said and he invented Kabbalah. It’s disgusting. I was taking course from which he again, thinks he created and he owns me. I rely on the light in every thing I do. He convinced my friends and neighbors I was Moses and had to leave my home and be treated like a dirty jew. It’s been a horrible experience. I hope to find peace, love and light here in this community.



      PS. Is there anyone here in the Marysville WA area? It would be nice to connect with a person involved in these philosophies and meet on a regular basis for discussion and support. Thank you!

Viewing 6 posts - 2,083 through 2,088 (of 5,275 total)
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