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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,083 through 2,088 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #335322

      Hello I’m Linda and quite interested in learning more about the Kabbalistic perspective.

    • #335320

      Hello Friends and Family, my name is Will and I just turned 40 years old this September 2023. I have done a lot of independent research and read tons of books in regards to the Kabbalistic tradition but have felt more confused than anything else and I feel like it’s time to learn from real instructors and have a community I can reach out to and connect with. Looking forward to starting this journey.

    • #335303

      Ola I’m a woman with a Jewish background from my grandmother’s side. I have been very interested in esoteric knowledge for a while now but never found something that would really fit. When I was looking into Judaism to learn more about my family I came across Kabbalah. I was instantly hooked. Thank you for this opportunity to learn deeply about it.

    • #335288

      Hello, my name is Jasmine and I am 22 years old. I come from Jordan but I am currently living in Turkey. I got guided here by Mark Passio’s work on The Natural Law and occult studies. The Kabbalah seems to encompass many aspects of reality that I wish to understand. I also enjoy its clear frame and structure. I wish to find my independence and clarity outside of the current trends in the new age spiritual communities and organized religion. I hope it will be a great experience for us, thank you for this opportunity!

    • #335242
      Marina Sokolenko

      Hello. My name is Marina, I am 59 years old, living in Canada. I always have been fascinated with the Kabbalah, and now happy I found this opportunity to study it seriously. Best wishes to all.

    • #335216
      Alexandra Pean

      Hi, my name is Alexandra and I’m 23 years old and I’ve always been interested with Kabbalah  always seems so complicated and when I find you guys because of that YouTube video I directly clicked on your website to start the courses because it seems well Detailed explained and organised. I had what they called a spiritual awakening or Techouva one year ago, and I’m excited to learn even more now. Shavoua Tov

Viewing 6 posts - 2,083 through 2,088 (of 6,426 total)
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