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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,173 through 2,178 (of 5,297 total)
  • Author
    • #306098

      Hello, I’m Zerrah but you can call me Z. Im from the Pacific Northwest. I can’t wait to learn about Kabbalism, and how our creator is manifest throughout our reality.

      • #306107

        hi z



    • #306080

      I am Tom from the US, and I know that we are here in this reality for more than just to exist and die.  That the Creator is real and that we can get to have an actual relationship with the source.  I have spent my life in search of that relationship.  My goal in studying Kabbalah is to transform myself so that I can become that which the Creator intended for me to be.

      I don’t know how to do this.  I’ve searched through studies of religions, science, mysticism, and occult knowledges.  Along this path, I have had many dead ends, confusion, and also many moments of a glimpse of the truth.

      This has led me to here.

    • #306051

      I’m discovering more each day. I’ve been guided here through thoughts, intuition, numbers, and by taking roads less traveled. By, navigating unknown territory; and a willingness to be uncomfortable. I’ve come to realize that I am not just a pawn on a chessboard. I have free will and sometimes comfort isn’t as comfortable as I think it is. I can do better. We came here for a reason. I’m excited to see what happens next.

    • #306028
      Maryam Houshyar

      I am Maryam from Iran. It has been a few years that I have become interested in spirituality. These days I am feeling extremely lost and am trying to find a path that guides me through this darkness…

    • #306027
      Maryam Houshyar

      Hello all,

      I am Maryam from Iran. It has been a few years that I have become interested in spirituality. These days I am feeling extremely lost and am trying to find a path that guides me through this darkness…



    • #306011

      Hello my name is Salvatore. I am excited about this course. I am searching for truth and to understand the Creator more.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,173 through 2,178 (of 5,297 total)
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