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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 5,322 total)
  • Author
    • #381703
      Assana Colubali

      Hello everyone my name is Assana Colubali, and I am from Guinea-Bissau, would like to say that I am very passionate about hidden kabbalah knowledge, I hope by the end of this module-1 I will learn a lot with everyone here, as I am looking forward to begin and also being part of this amazing group.

    • #381679
      Bent Jensen

      Hi everyone
      Having read a number of Kabbalah books from different authors, I realise that none of them was active anymore. So, it was not possibly for me to ask questions to the material and no dialogue with the author seemed possible.
      Therefore, I was very happy when I came across KabU! This has motivated me to continue my study and investigation of Kabbalah together with all of you.

    • #381630

      Hello I’m Anna from Cracov in Poland. I studied religious studies at the local university and got interested in Kabbalah.

    • #381598

      Hello everyone,

      My name is Praneeth. I live in India. I have a strong interest in mysticism. Once I am curious about a few things, I can’t stop myself from being greedy for answers. I have a thirst for knowledge and also wish to share what I feel is interesting. One of the things I started is divination through tarot cards. As I was searching for its information, I came to know that, the tarots were designed based upon various concepts of  mysticism such as numerology, astrology, alchemy and tree of life which is a part of Kabbalah. So, I tried to understand what it is, but all I got was a huge load of scattered information. I tried to connect them but to no avail as I came to realize that there no foundation or a lack of fundamentals. I became frustrated and finally chose to give up. But just when I gave up, I learned about the play list on you tube – Kabbalah Revealed by teacher Tony Kosinec. So, I started to learn from them. Now I finally found a way or more precisely I think the way revealed itself to me(LoL).

      So, through the links I came across the course and decided to join. I have just started my journey and my wish for learning this course is to find knowledge and wisdom of the workings of the world and my inner self. As for what I wish to gain that wisdom or knowledge, I wish to be fulfilled and also, I have started writing a web novel on mysticism. In this novel I wish to incorporate these concepts so that the readers will be able to enjoy the story at same time come into contact with the wisdom.

      I thank teacher for giving me this opportunity to learn.

    • #381595
      Alexander Dibe

      Hello everyone, my name is Alex. As a kid, I felt different from everyone. I always tried to understand my purpose in life. So many questions are still going through my mind. I try to understand why, as humans, we cannot live in a world where there is no suffering, hatred, or war. I have been seeking for the truth all my life, and I hope I am going to find the answer here. I am happy to be here.and to learn

    • #381564
      Igor Mey

      My name is Igor, I’m originally from Brazil. I had a good experience studying kabala 10 years ago and I would like to continue my studies.

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 5,322 total)
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