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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,287 through 2,292 (of 5,297 total)
  • Author
    • #304204

      Hi, my name is Juarez Furlan, I am 52 years old. I am married with Cristina and we have two boys. I am chemistry engeneer and worked by 25 years in a multinational company. I think that is time to me to seek a diferent way to comprehense the creator.

    • #304200

      Hello! My name is Dan. I have a PHD in biblical studies and theology. I am seeking further knowledge.

    • #304161

      Hi my name is Leslie. I was born into a mostly Jewish, non observant Yiddish speaking family. I’m 74. I love prayers and scriptures. My spiritual journey has taken me into being a Hare Krishna for the last 34 years and I am happy to look more in depth at Judaism and take this road into the teachings of Kabbalah. The parallels with esoteric Vedic teachings are intriguing.

    • #304136

      Hello, Interested in knowing more about this important heritage.

    • #304135


    • #304125
      Inco Gnito

      Hi, my name is Inco and I’ve been practicing all kinds of spiritual methods but lately I feel drawn to the mystic traditions. I hope to find some kindred spirits and to motivate myself to climb my inner fear-mountains.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,287 through 2,292 (of 5,297 total)
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