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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #330319
      Alberto Velez



      My is Alberto.

      Since my early teenage years, I have had experiences of what some would call supernatural, but I called it fellowship with God. Once I became an adult I lost my connect with God, my expectation is to reconnect to God my taking KabU courses.


    • #330260


      My name is Ben and I’m glad to be here. To to answer the question of what I expect from the course: I expect to be introduced to Kabbalah and to feel inspiration to learn more. I think it is true that we often get what we give, so I am ready to give this a lot of attention.

      Reading the line “There is nothing else in reality other than two forces–reception and bestowal” caught my attention and made me think of binary reality where opposites are complimentary.

      Thank you

    • #330186


      My name is Freddie.
      I decided it’s time to follow through on the message I got to study the Tree of Life and I am hoping this course will be a good foundation to do so.

      Let’s find out. 🙂

    • #330173

      Hello, i’m listening to the name Anna. I’m from Holland.

      This summer i turned 40 and get the Zohar as gift.

      Especially as a mother and being pregnant searching for a deeper fundament of spiritual path.

    • #330138
      Varda kahalany

      I am Varda from New Jersey, was borne in Romania and when I was 12 my parents migrated to Israel. I grew up in a family that did not believe in God and I remember as a child asking lots of questions but never got a satisfying answer. After migrating to Israel, I went to a religious high school (mamlachti dati) and there I started to come close to religion. Still, it did not answered my questions and since I remember myself I am searching and checking out different beliefs, spiritual practices, channeling and basically everything that has to do with ‘Spirituality’. I also read a lot of material related to quantum physics, astrology\astronomy , and kabbalah…. I decide this time to take it step by step and see what happens…… So far, I am delighted and feel that I may have found what I searched for, but still trying to make sense and connect it to other things which I feel that have also a ‘credibility’ as far as my spiritual understanding goes. One more thing that I would like to discover and understand – how this connects to Judaism and the lows of the Torah.

    • #330127

      my name is Friday onyekachi I’m from Nigeria ebonyi state I’m a student membership 

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