Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,293 through 2,298 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #330030
      Robert Howlett

      Hello. I am Robert from the UK, I have been studying Kabbalah, on and off for 5+ years. It has changed the way that I think of the environment that we find our selves in and helped when in challenging situations, where I have been able to navigate the situation in a proactive way, which ended in a position outcome.

    • #330005

      I guess I am a lost soul searching for the truth, may god bless all who seek him in their heart.

    • #329972

      Shalom to everyone

      Greetings from the UK ,

      I’m in my third year joyfully and obediently adhering to the Noahide Divine commandments ,

      My supplication from the start of this journey was and is to be given strength and determination with an endless flow for the knowledge in Tanach.

      Its thankfully becoming more obvious in the pathways of His Truth that He [Blessed be He] is causing a yearning for Kabbalah as this subject is the deeper conceptualisations in Tanach and everything in His awesome universe.

      Sincerely and most gratefully to KabU staff and teachers for creating this  welcoming institute of learning.

      kind regards

      Stephen Green

    • #329948
      Maria Natividad

      Hola mi nombre es María este curso espero que nos ayude a encontrar las herramientas para lograr llegar a la plenitud a la que hemos sido llamados.

    • #329936
      Mark Bayne

      Hello. I am Mark. I’m new to this. Just here to see what it is all about.

    • #329921

      Hello fellow Kabbalah students, my name is Meta, I live in Vienna, Austria and I’m really excited to be here and to be given this unique opportunity to advance spiritually. I’m a lover of nature and animals and I’m in constant awe and appreciation with everything around me that the creator has created. I’m seeking answers because I feel increasingly helpless about our negative impact on this precious planet earth.

      Right now, I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel because we are living a lie on a humongous scale. World-wide there are totally unnecessary abhorrent daily practices in place for the sake of gaining more money, more status, and more of everything except more altruism and consciousness. Life, it seems, is all about attaining more “things” regardless of the cost to other living beings, the environment and our own survival. I’m running of time to learn why I am here and I am looking to advance my soul before it’s too late – I am haunted by the thought that I might leave this earth before taking one step in the right direction without gaining the knowledge of how to correct my errors. How can I make a difference? How can I expand my consciousness to include every living soul and not lose sight of my own existence? And another unanswered question that plays much on my mind is: how does subjecting other living souls to a living hell for our own gain impact our spiritual advancement?

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