Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,407 through 2,412 (of 6,418 total)
  • Author
    • #327311

      Bonsoir je me nome GBALE PREGNON THIERRY je suis ivoirien. j’ai decouvers les cours de la Kabbale du Dr Mickael Laitman je soufait en savoir plus


    • #327285

      Hi, my name is Lawrence. Hello everyone.

    • #327278
      Hans van der Pol

      Hello my name is Hans. I have  been studying Kabbalah since a few years now, and feel a desire to do the first course again and get to know new students

    • #327261
      Shane Rohrer

      Hello Chevre,

      My name is Shiloh I am a new student with Bnei Baruch. It would be so awesome to make some friends into Kabbalah.  Nobody I know studies or practices Kabbalah.

    • #327255

      KabU is such a great School. It’s the future of Adult learning. Much as the Zohar is in Poetry of Divinity with in the “Pages of Torah” …….. all the way up through to “Tanya”.Which I believe every boy under 13 and girl under 12 should be learning within Our Modern Day Educational Systems.

    • #327167

      Shalom my name is Daniel, from France I am 74 years old. I have search for Kabbalah informations to get understanding (books, and web site) in my Torah study since 2003 but with a lack of regularity (may be I was not ready for it). This is a new opportunity to progress, Thank you.

      • #327262
        Shane Rohrer

        Hello Ben, I’m Shiloh. I reareally could use a study buddy and the fact you know The Tanya, which I read everyday, was really cool of you.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,407 through 2,412 (of 6,418 total)
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