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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #327765

      Hi everyone, I’m happy and grateful to be here. I’m 48, currently living in Morocco. I’m happy and grateful to be here.I had a dream recently that led me here. I find Kabbalah wonderful and looking forward to delve into it. I cannot say what my expectations are, but somehow it touches something very deep. Also glad to be part of a group and not ‘alone’. Thank you.

    • #327764

      Hi Everyone,

      My name is Kim, and I’m from the U.S. I’ve been on a spiritual path, like many of you, for a lifetime. I studied Kabbalah years ago and wish to continue that again, this time from an experiential rather than merely intellectual perspective. Everything has brought us to this singular moment, and I’m honored to travel this path with you. Best wishes!

    • #327762
      rosemarie tropf

      My name is Rosemarie.  I’ve been interested in spiritual studies since 1967.  I am glad to be part of this group. I was part of it once before. Went on to other studies.  Realized I was learning to advance my intellectual understanding.  Now I only want to absorb at the heart level not the reasoning mind level.  Thank you for being here. I am grateful  😇

    • #327733

      My name is Markéta, and I just signed up for the course. I have been interested in religious studies and spirituality for almost three decades. It was a long journey, on which I learned a lot, of course, but none of the acquired knowledge touched my Heart so strongly that I could say that I had found what I had been looking for all my life. Now I am here among you. My search for Truth continues and I hope that my Desire will finally find fulfillment.

    • #327703

      Hi I am Ehumadu Chukwuemeka Uzordike from Nigeria. I have little knowledge of the Kabbalah and I noticed it draws me closer to G-d. I want to improve on what I know so that I and G-d can become real time partners. There’s an exciting reality where G-d operates that is hidden from non initiates, the Kabbalah opens this portal to those that are willing to follow the path of the tree of life . I am excited to be here Shallom and Baruch Hashem!

    • #327657

      Hello.  I’m Peggy and I am 67yo.  I live in Crescent City on the coast of California, USA.  I am a long time student of metaphysics, including Kabbalah.  I also study the Tarot.  I am most interested in learning the sacred, esoteric, and/or occult meanings of the 22 Hebrew letters as they relate to Kabbalah and meditation practices.  Thank you

      • #327719

        The reasons behind Torah study and all the effects of desires, development, and technology regarding the Source (Out Creator) will always lead us home.

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