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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,419 through 2,424 (of 5,274 total)
  • Author
    • #301867

      Hi, my name is Salam Yalo, 23 years old, renting an apartment in Herzliya, Israel. I am currently at a stage in my life where I feel that the things I learned and the dream I wanted are no longer that interesting to me. I studied acting for two years and today I understand that it might not be what I want. I want to explore the world, questions that I want to get answers to, such as what is our essence, how can we create a different reality, is there accuracy to things, is there really one way, one truth to live life in a harmonious, moral, equal, and just way.

    • #301799
      Melody Jones

      Hello, my name is Melody, I am pursuing knowledge about Kabbalah because everything I’ve heard within its teachings matches what I understand to be true in mechanical science. The fact that this text is so old and yet matches what I’ve learned about physics and biology astounds me. I wish to take on the inner qualities of the best parts of our species and planet, and feel ultimate oneness with the collective soul.

    • #301718

      Hello, fellow Kabbalah students. My name is Reinaldo and I’m from Brazil. I’m always have been a personal development student with main interests in religion, psychology and philosophy. In the last year, a lot of knowledge that I found (or it found me) made me understand a lot about our suffering because our mind and ego. Then, I found Kabbalah (or it found me) and I hope it is my final road about the mechanics of existence.

    • #301638

      Hello, I’m Mzwakhe from South Africa.  I’m interested in spiritual progression, understanding how we relate to natural laws and finding a deeper meaning to my life.

    • #301621

      Hello! I’m Jesus  I live in Venezuela, interested in studying the origin, relationship and objective of the human being with nature and with the universe. I’m happy to start and interact in this path of knowledge . God bless all of you.

    • #301611

      My name is Denys and I am here because I don’t find any reasons to live

      • #301844

        Hello, Denys.

        Be patient, everything will gone to be fine. 🙂

        I think there is a VOD course (see menu) that can help you. Its called “The Meaning of Life Contemplation Kit”.

        God bless you.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,419 through 2,424 (of 5,274 total)
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