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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,425 through 2,430 (of 6,422 total)
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    • #327036

      HI! My name is Aurelio and i’m originally from California, Anaheim. I grew up in CA for 20 plus years and living currently in Texas. I grew up Catholic and through my journey came to Christianity, Messianics, and finally Judaism which then lead me to Kaballah. I had so many questions but each one lead me to another. Finally, Kaballah was able to answer the majority of the questions. I know it’s a process and I feel like I learned a lot with a short period of time. I look forward to connecting and hearing from everyone else.

    • #326998
      Camila Silva

      My name is Camila, I’m from Brazil (Sao Paulo city). I am married and have a son who will be 14 next month.
      We currently live in Marietta, Georgia.
      I grew up in an evangelical home, but a long time ago a cooling process began, I began to doubt the divinity of Jesus, I stopped attending church and then I stopped believing in God.
      3 years ago my family and I were in a very serious car accident and survived. This gave rise to questions about why I am alive or what is this plan that God has for me that others talk about so much.
      From a few months ago I started watching videos about other religions, and when I was studying about Judaism I found Kabbalah.
      I watched some videos of Tony and other instructors and I really liked it, it made me want to learn more.
      Perhaps because of my background in Christianity I find it difficult to believe some of the things I’ve heard, for example about reincarnation, or why there are 10 sefirot, 125 degrees, etc, however I’m here on this course and hope to find some answers.

    • #326963
      Karen Assayag

      Karen – nice to meet everyone.

    • #326958

      So my name is soraya I’m looking for a guest


    • #326957

      Hello it’s me soraya i deviate the guest that suits me

    • #326943

      Hello everyone, I’m Poyraz


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