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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,401 through 2,406 (of 6,423 total)
  • Author
    • #327631

      Hi, my name is Clay. Am from Solomon Islands, South Pacific.  I began learning about the spirituality of abundance and prosperity then i came across Kabbalah. I am looking forward to learn more knowledge.

    • #327627


      I’m Stephanie in the US. I’ve heard lots about Kabbalah and my spirit lead me here. I hope to learn new fascinating things to help me ascend.

    • #327611

      Hi I am Bôke Tjeerdsma from the Netherlands. I became (re)interested in spirituality in the last two to three years and followed different courses in this direction. In my search I ran into Kabalah and found this very interesting. With this introductory course I hope to know more about it and especially experience how Kabalah could alter my live, awareness and connection to other human beings.

    • #327458
      Gary Dashney

      Hello, I’m Gary and just joined this introductory course. I’m in Phoenix Arizona.  I’m a disillusioned Christian,.. Primarily disillusioned with the organized Christian Church as it exists. I am looking for deeper form of spirituality.

    • #327455


      I’m from Canada Toronto. I have been most of my life growing doing what the reality I perceive. I have a close friend that have been learning and practicing Kabbalah. I have listens a few classes from the professor that have have created interest on me to join to listen more about reality and spiritual life.

      Thank you,

    • #327439
      Dr. Gerry

      Greetings from the United States (Florida),  My name is Geraldine Waite and most people call me Dr. Gerry.  I am 82 years old (or young).  I am happy to still be on this planet.  I am a retired teacher/psychologist.  I have had an overwhelming desire to know G-d, for most of my life.  I have become “hooked” on Kabbalah and live to study and share with others.  I have been reading and now I am signed up for this course.  I look forward to meeting others who share my enthusiasm.  Everything I have read so far, confirms what I have known, and adds new insight.  I can hardly wait to know more.

      I know we will be blessed by this class with the outcome of a deeper appreciation of our Creator.  I look forward to a great union.

      May G-d bless you with an overflowing of blessings and love.

      Dr. Gerry

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