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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #301376
      Natalia Gnatyuk

      I am Natalya from Ukraine, 58 years old. I have three children, 28, 20 and 14 years old and want to leave them with a better world than it is now. Expect to look behind the scenes of the world through the eyes of the English-speaking community. And find my place in this life.

    • #301355

      Hi, my name is Erwin from Indonesia. I know about this Kabbalah Wisdom few years ago. From then, I started learn from youtube videos and ebooks. I can’t get much, because I’m not very proficient in English. Whenever I feel stuck, I leave it for a while and come back another time.. I really hope this book on Kabbalah can be translated into Indonesian so that people from my country can also learn and accept this wisdom without being constrained by language..

    • #301346

      Hi everyone,

      I’m just here to seek wisdom. I recently became interested in Kabbalah and have watched quite a few videos on the subject. I suppose I’m here to continue the work that I feel compelled to do. I’m hoping some structure through these courses will allow me to reach higher understanding. Take care!

    • #301339

      kabbalah for me is experience with God.

      Our generation urgently needs to seek new and personal experiences with God.

      Experiences with God make us <b><i>strengthen our faith.</i></b>

      Experiences with God forge our character.

      <b>In the holy scriptures we observe several people  having experiences with God, being used by the Adonai like Moses, like Samson, Daniel and others .</b>

      <b>But if there a man who impresses me a lot his countless  experiences with the Most High, this is KING DAVID  who went from being a shepherd to greatest  king of Israel.</b>

      David, he faced and knocked down the giant Goliath with a stone, and it is from this event that the Lord  begins to reveal to us why David is so SPECIAL. 

      <b>Unlike the Israelites back then, and even unlike many believers today, David had unshakable faith!</b>

      The entire army of Israel before Goliath forgot that the one fighting for them was God, and that God is greater than any giant that could appear, the Israelites forgot that when someone.

      Challenging a chosen one of the Lord is challenging the Lord himself, but David has not forgotten that.


      David until that moment had no experience in battles and wars, but he had experiences with God :


      Note that David experiences with God made him win his first ( against Goliath) and be recognized before everyone as a great warrior .

      God himself is an active FORCE.

      <b>This is why his experiences with God cannot be  theoretical, abstract, or merely or super-artificial .</b>

      It is one thing for you to know that God speaks to us, it is another for you to have the experience of hearing the voice of God.

      And we need to continue to seek experiences with God so that other people, who will come after us, also have access to this truth that sets us FREE.


      Faith is you believing that God will fulfill all He has promised in His Word in your life. That is knowing the truth.


      The main reason we do not seek new experiences with God is our unbelief.

      We want something tangible, something we can touch, but we  don’t apply the faith necessary for it to manifest …

      God is the same and will always be to prove him and have new experiences with Him.

      Every day we are exposed to the most diverse types of experiences , good or bad. Some of them go unnoticed, but others completely mark our life… 

      Experience with God makes our spirituality grow…

      Experience with god makes us more intimate with the creator and ruler of the universe…




    • #301327
      orizont ereditar

      Hi! I m George, from Romania. I teach history and have a really deep interest in ancient civilisations. I was always fascinated by Jewish thought and spirituality and I hope this course will be an awesome journey.

    • #301322
      Neena Tilwe

      I am Neena from India. I am a born Jew married a Hindu This is my 2nd marriage. I had a arranged marriage with a Jewish person which ended in a divorce. I always felt my 2nd marraige was destined for me. And now i lost my husband 4 months ago and i am completely shattered. I tried connecting with him through a mediator and felt a little better. I want to increase my spiritual level so that i can connect with him. I had heared about Kabu some years ago but now i felt a strong desire to be a part of it. Hoping to find some relief for my grief here if God willing

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