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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,449 through 2,454 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #326424

      Hi, I’m Michelle and I can’t wait to learn Kabbalah.  I have been a life long seeker, and I would like to feel the Universe in a more complete way.  Thank you.

    • #326407

      Hi Martin here from Southampton in the south of the UK. I belong to a Reformed Synagogue in Bournemouth UK, although I must admit I am probably on the “orthodox” side. Most of my study has been through CHABAD. Kabbalah became an interest through the book of Tanya and then became a consuming search for meaning and purpose. So I am looking forward, with much excitement and some trepidation, to the journey ahead.

    • #326357
      George Beridze

      Hello, my name is George. I acknowledge the deep mystery and reality of sephirot. It is deeply interesting and fascinating for me and I believe it has everything to do. with how are lives are expressed, and perceived. I’m happy to learn and happy that this mystery is acknowledged by so many peers who want to learn and find redemption.

    • #326338
      Tendai Shumba

      Hi. my name is Tendai , l am excited to begin this journey of seeking the truth and wisdom of Kabbalah

    • #326261
      Ignacio Do

      Hi everyone, I wish you all peace profound in your endeavors. I hope those prejudices that blind us all in life disappear. That the noise made by our egos, ignorant judgments, and fears surrender to such unconditional love given to us by our creator. That this course and path help us one step closer to reaching back to the source. Because now I understand that not even my life is mine and all this is just a mirage for my acknowledgment and fake food for my Ego. Is then that you truly understand the true meaning of life, when you ask for forgiveness and redemption. These are my 2 cents to you, my brother. Meanwhile, peace, peace profound to you.

    • #326237
      Andrew G

      Hi everyone I am Andrew and am excited to delve into this and learn more about Kabbalah.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,449 through 2,454 (of 6,419 total)
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