Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,431 through 2,436 (of 6,420 total)
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    • #326921

      Hello everyone.

      I am Paulo, a 41 years old student from Curitiba, a cold city in south of Brasil. My family is catholic, but since child I was used to visit other cults like Spiritism, Kardecism and Umbanda (its a Brazilian-Afro religion). I grew up interested in the history of all religions and respect all of them.

      After seeing some good material at youtube, I decided to get into this course. I really enjoyed the graphical explanations for the wisdom contained in the series of videos ‘Kabbalah Revealed with Tony Kosinec’. With this course I expect to understand deeper this science.

    • #326906

      Hi Everyone,

      I am Andrew from Ohio. I am looking forward to exploring this path.

    • #326878

      Hello!  I am Lana. Looking forward to the course.

    • #326863
      Anthony CHUKWURAH

      Hi everybody, I’m Tony

    • #326848

      I have 0 troubles with KabU or Bnei Burach and enjoy the Chabad Philosophy of people’s. This bring me to the Narrative of my birthright within the Country. Our children need this sort of influence from the “Tanya” up. As do other Countries……. Thank you fellow peeps..

      As I need my confirmation from a Beit Din for my proper origins of the reasoning surrounding my personal Mitzvahs’ and documents. Until Jerusalem and HaShems’ Holy Temple..


    • #326838

      I’m called Erick happy to share this with you together.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,431 through 2,436 (of 6,420 total)
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