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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #298668

      Hi, guys! I am glory khembo. I live in Malawi. I heard of kabbalah in a dream. After that there was a friend who came to me and spoke it about kabbalah just like that. from then i started learning up to now. I always count it a huge blessings to take part in learning this glorious wisdom of kabbalah. lets link up on whatsapp +265996913908. Shalom!

    • #298612

      Hi my name is Yean. I’m from Singapore.  I’m a Christian seeking for truth and better understanding of doctrines. Looking forward to an exciting journey Hi my name is Yean. I’m from Singapore.  I’m a Christian seeking for truth and better understanding of doctrines. Looking forward to an exciting journey  with Kab U!  with Kab U!

    • #298611

      Hi my name is Yean. I’m from Singapore.  I’m a Christian seeking for truth and better understanding of doctrines. Looking forward to an exciting journey  with Kab U!

    • #298609

      Hello, I pray that this course allows me to understand more of myself and other! Shalom

    • #298608

      My name is Timothy McGuire Jr. and I am a Christian and a youth minister of Grace Cathedral Ministries in South Carolina. We preach the unadulterated truth of the Bible and the second coming of the Lord Jesus. We do not condemn people for choices they make in their life as there is only one judge. I have watched the series on Kabbalah revealed on YouTube and was immediately compelled to join Brother Kosinec on the journey of receiving and unfoldment. I see a lot wrong with this world and by proxy myself. I am excited to learn more about Kabbalah and help those around me understand it’s need and function as I grow and learn more! Shalom!

    • #298562

      I am Vivien Claire – two names given me that have root meanings of ‘life’ and ‘light’ .  This is one way of saying something about decades of seeking meaning and purpose, being immersed in mystical writings and contemplative practice .  Gradually I see  underlying connections between streams of wisdom.  Now is the time to live out more fully,  in the circumstances find myself , the perceptions of reality that  are slowly coming to light .  I see myself as a mature seeker, a womanwho will  always be a student of wisdom, who is saying ‘yes’ to   the purpose of life with others.

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