Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,653 through 2,658 (of 6,412 total)
  • Author
    • #319747

      Hello. My name Is Adrian, I’m from Guadalajara, Mexico.  I feel like all my life has been like a dream and I believe kabbalah could help me to awake from such trance…
      I like many things: Math, Philosophy, a bit of Chess and Music. add me if you wanna talk about this… or about that 😉

    • #319714

      Good Day,

      My name is Marlon from the U.S. I am very interested in learning how to apply kabbalah everyday.

    • #319706

      Hi, my name is Veronica and I am from Romania. My intention and wish is to become more connected with God, to better understand human nature, my mission on Earth and how or what can I do to help and understand myself/others, and at the same time to see all of us as interconnected, all sons of the same Creator.

    • #319649

      Hi my name is sarah from lebanon, I believe I came to earth with a private mission. I’ve been searching for truth through knowledge,  faith and worldwide old and new religions. I consider myself in the process of enlightenment through gathering of truthful pieces of information and connecting them together where sense of meaning is being revealed with time. I Cant wait to see what kaballah holds for me ! 🙂

    • #319638
      Ram Gurung

      Hello, I’m from Dhanraj Gurung, 32 years old from Nepal. I’m a entreprenuer.

    • #319619

      Hello my name is Emma

      I am a mummy and a business owner and I am looking for alignment and knowledge to better know myself

Viewing 6 posts - 2,653 through 2,658 (of 6,412 total)
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