Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,115 through 3,120 (of 5,895 total)
  • Author
    • #300506

      Hello, I’m Raymond from the USA.

      I am ultimately looking for the answers to many difficult questions. I hope that completion of this course will enable me to be a beacon for myself and others. I also hope to understand the divine as much as possible. I’m grateful for this course as a resource.

    • #300502
      Stephen Bach

      Hi my name is Stephen – i have always wanted to learn kabbalah as a path to being more spiritual.  Daily religious practices are not helping me get to this place and I am hoping that Kabbalah is the path for me.

    • #300500

      Hello everyone,

      I feel like I can find the answers here,

      Love and peace

      Eduard from Ukraine

    • #300460

      delete my first introduction pls (along with this), the site thrown me a Host error but it still published, thx

    • #300458

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hi, Nate here 👋 this is my second attempt at completing the course😬 first 1 was maybe 10 years ago. I got lost & now i’m found again 😅 the Wisdom of Kabbalah makes a lot of sense me! I live & travel as nomad and i foster my connection with the universal spirit through yoga but im socially anxious as well and there is a big gap in my life that i hope to fill via connection with other seekers of attainment.</p>

    • #300456

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hi, I’m Nate (Nathanael), & this is my second attempt at completing this course. First 1 was many years ago. Kabbalah makes a lot of sense! I live & travel as nomad and i foster my connection with the universal spirit through yoga but im socially anxious as well and there is this a big gap in my life that i hope to fill via connection with other seekers of attainment.</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 3,115 through 3,120 (of 5,895 total)
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