Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,541 through 3,546 (of 5,275 total)
  • Author
    • #220799
      Stephanie sewell

      Hi and I’d like to say that I am happy to have run across this experience on my journey. I hope you all are well and are wanting to learn from this like myself. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual that is for sure. I currently live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and for those who may not know where that is it is by the state of Washington and Montana. Also it’s near Canada and some other surrounding states. I have two beautiful female teenage girls. I am looking forward to a new positive chance to see what this course will teach me. I want to take from it what will help me be a better person and hopefully I will grow. Knowledge and wisdom is power. Best intentions to all and stay strong in this life!

    • #220779

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hi, I’m Daniel and I’m here to find out more about my inner self</p>

    • #220778


      I am Souad and I am here to understand more without any expectation, I am curious to see the knowledge this course can bring to me.


    • #220758

      My name is Steve Dow.  I have been interested in the study of esotericism and mysticism, including Kabbalah, since being introduced to “In Search of the Miraculous” in 2000.  The Youtube videos resonate with me, as do the concepts of becoming like the Creator, and giving birth to our souls.

      I am hopeful the material here will provide “actionable” exercises to create my soul.

    • #220708

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi.. My name is Joseph and I live in India.. I was really confused from all incidents which seemed to be all bitter experiences, like losses and continuous failures happened in my life.. I tried to listen to everyone including the religious teaching to find a solution but could not connect the dots..Accidentally I came across Kabhala and now I feel it was not an accident… It was a call after preparing me for this..</p>

    • #220698
      Deby Eidam

      Olá, meu nome é Deby, sou brasileira e há muito tempo me interesso pela Cabala, fiquei muito feliz pela possibilidade de iniciar essa compreensão.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,541 through 3,546 (of 5,275 total)
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