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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #301236

      Hello Class!

      I’m from Palm Springs, CA. I am Jewish (Renewal). Kabbalah has opened up a whole new understanding about life and the world for me. I completed all the 4 courses previously; it’s been awhile though so I decided to come back for a re-fresher before moving on to the Graduate classes.

    • #301195

      My name is Sam I am eager to learn more about the Inner me and to give more to life around me I belong to all beings in God’s Creation

    • #301194

      My name is Sam I am eager to learn more about the Inner me and to give more to life around me

    • #301189
      Julie Neale

      I’m Julie Neale from San Mateo, CA. I was raised reform Jewish and was also drawn to the spiritual aspect but not necessarily religious part of Judaism. As a now 50 year old woman, and mom to two boys, I’ve found myself more and more connected to this feeling that there is something bigger than myself. I also notice synchronicities and find my intuition leading me to teachers and experiences that deepen my awareness. Kaballah has been calling to me for years, and a year or so ago, I found this community. I’ve been listening and learning, but never officially completed this first course. So, I’m back to see what components I hadn’t done fully. Grateful to be on this learning and spiritual journey with you!

    • #301171
      Emanuel Sanga

      Hello, I’m Sangevu from Tanzania, Nice to be here.

    • #301164
      Isaac Ortiz

      Hello everyone, I’m Isaac and I’m from the U.S. I live in Connecticut and I’ve been interested in the learning, exploring, and understanding consciousness for quite a while now. I’m looking to deepen my understanding of all religious texts. Like most of us I have some basic knowledge but no real in depth understanding of theology. For some reason I feel a strong pull towards the Kabbalah lately and from what I’ve been briefly reading and understanding it seems so. I’ve been  practicing mysticism for a little while now through yoga, meditation, and prayer. I was born into a seventh day Adventist Christian household. Though I’ve always felt a connection to Jesus and the spiritual I’ve always felt out of place in the church almost as if there was something missing. Something more deeper that I had to experience and understand. I pray to archangels and I find that they help me often. I seek to understand them deeply I seek to understand God deeply therefore I am looking forward to this class 🙂 !

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