Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,589 through 3,594 (of 6,433 total)
  • Author
    • #301543
      kenneth johnson

      I am called by Kenneth L. Johnson, professionally, I have served as a clinical psychologist for many years. I have also served the church for many years as well. I am a widower, my wife transitioned from this world four years ago and I’m still processing that. However, we were blessed to have six children and currently six grandchildren. I have been interested in the Kabbalah for a long time now and want to know how it informs the Bible and our daily lives.

    • #301540

      Hello, Dear Friends. My name is Miryam Buttercup. I live in New Mexico, USA. I actually completed the first 31/2 of these first 4 courses about a year ago, and chose to not continue my studies and connection with KABU a that time. I’ve been wandering in the desert, such a challenging and necessary experience, which has brought me back here, more grateful and ready than I can put into words.

    • #301522
      Steven Sierra

      Hi, I’m Steven and I’m a baker at a vegan bakery.  I want to study Kabbalah to better understand the world that I live in, and to find spiritual guidance.  I want to learn how to live a meaningful, joyful life, devoted to helping others.

    • #301517

      Hello  I am Christianne from Belgium , I am a student  in Kabbalah and I want to learn more  about it  to unlock  the  key  and to find answers  on my questions  in spirituality

    • #301516

      Hello  I am Christianne rom Belgium and I wantto lezrn more

    • #301514
      Patricia Kammer

      Hello, I am Patricia, a teacher of A Course In Miracles in Canada.

      I love learning new things..Kabbalah has always been so confusing I gave up trying to find a decent understandable teaching so this is my new adventure. bring it on


Viewing 6 posts - 3,589 through 3,594 (of 6,433 total)
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