Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #218903


      Here in North Carolina, I serve as a spiritual director and writer in an interfaith context and am seeking new understanding of Kabbalah for my ministry. I am also interested in learning new daily spiritual practices for my own growth and development.

      Best to everyone, Karen

    • #191315

      Hi my name is Jenny and I am from South 🇿🇦 I am hoping to learn and understand about Kabbalah.  A few years  ago  I made some  enquiries  but didn’t  pursue. I am hoping that  I will find  what I am looking  for.

    • #191288

      Hi how are u my name is Reshonda Mason and what i like to get out of this is wisdom and knowledge and learn how to make some money.

    • #191273
      yusef Hojjati

      Hello, My name is Yusef. I always serach for the meaning and looking for the Truth.Therefor I come here to learn what is not told out of here. Always in search of reality and the real answers and wanting to experience it, in this life.

    • #191258

      Hello everyone. My name is Nathan. I’m not really sure what to say about myself. I’m mostly just looking to be part of a group who are all looking for that unity and bestowal through kabbalah. I’m looking forward to the next few weeks and to interact.

    • #191246
      Alyssa Harper

      Hi, Alyssa here from Utah, USA.

      UH.. been on a spiritual research binge for about a year now, trying to discover myself and reality/the universe.. I really enjoy learning as much as possible about all kinds of things. Although I’m not a traditional religious person, growing up Mormon and constantly being around it has caused me to be a little wary of religion in general but I’m starting to discover that to understand myself, the universe and my reality, I must learn about God as well… so I’ve been trying to be more open to those types of things.
      anyways… here I am.. yeah.

      uh thanks,

      Alyssa *

      • #219109
        adina shaina

        Hello Alyssa,

        I notice you have the same training as I do in writing – and no doubt your response pattern will be on par with Pathway. May we both gain that freedom from the confusion that our life in religion bestowed upon us.  You are not alone in your quest. And…

        … you are welcome here.

        Adina Shaina

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