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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #185188


    • #185179

      Hello everyone! I’m so happy to be here today. I’ve been searching for a good course in Kabbalah all week.  My name is Elena Cooper.

      I left my country -Italy- at the age of 21 in 1986, alone. I was determined that I will live my life free of violence as I grew up scared to live. I was violently abused by my father that was then, spiritually blind to see the gift God sent when I was born. My journey started when I was starving, cold, and alone in America. The only thing that kept me alive was the strong feeling that God was walking every step of the way with me, not to abandon me, but to guide me through the deep spiritual knowledge of who I was then and who I am all the time. It took years before things changed for the better. I worked very hard and I found later positions as a live-in-nanny with celebrities in the great West Los Angeles area. I have a deep spiritual relationship with Jesus, Mary -his mother- and my Indian guru and spiritual guide Paramahansa Yogananda. So, I’m not alone and never will be. I was able to work as a nanny and bring my knowledge of God, Krishna, and the Buddha to these families and children. I worked with children for 20 years, until my back could not make it any longer, as I developed a lumbar disease. Today I’m a homeowner in Las Vegas -Nevada-USA- I live on the side of the desert where peace and harmony are untouched by the illusions of lights -sort of speech- of the other side of the city by the strip. I know Kabbalah, from before every past incarnation, the problem is that I forgot what it is even though is starting to click back in my antique memories of the past. Last week I talked with Jesus, He directed me, as usual, inspiring me to study Kabbalah. I have a job and a mission, and that is to influence the world around me with God’s energies. I am a musician, songwriter. I play piano, guitar, and saxophone. I also write articles and blogs on Medium I teach English to Italian kids online and I do a lot more than this… but I’m not here to show my ego. This is who I am, a child of the source, I want my divine memories back! I need them so that God can really use me as his tool to serve the best I can in the way He sees me serving Him. I found this course after I watched one of the many videos on Kabbalah’s teachings on Youtube. I’m glad to be here now.

      Thank you for having me!!!
      Elena Cooper

    • #185170

      Hi everyone,my name is seba,I live in Ethiopia.I always heard about Kabbalah and I just want to have a deeper knowledge about it.Happy to be here with you.


    • #185162

      Hi, I’m Maricor from the Philippines. Like you, I am desiring to know the purpose of my existence and to have a true knowing (for me) of the existence of the Creator

    • #185154
      chris patton

      hi tony you are awesome

    • #185153
      chris patton

      hi my name is chris i love studying kabbalah

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