Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,703 through 3,708 (of 5,274 total)
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    • #185149

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hi everyone,</p>
      My name is Taniora and I live in South Korea. I am here because I would like to learn more about Kabbalah and how I can become a more loving and giving person towards others and most importantly the creator.

      Would love to meet other people as well.

      Thank you

    • #185148

      Hi everyone,

      My name is Taniora and I live in South Korea. I am here because I would like to learn more about Kabbalah and how I can become a more loving and giving person towards others and most importantly the creator.

      Would love to meet other people as well.

      Thank you

    • #185127

      Hello. My name is Maria Elma. Glad to be here

    • #185124

      My name is Maria Powers. I live in Texas.

      I have four grandchildren. I worked as a

      Substitute teacher. I enjoy teaching.

      I was Inspired to learn The Hebrew alphabet, Which led me here.

    • #185117

      Hello to All,

      My name is Fulya, someone who always feels connected to something other than the world seen around. I have an almost subconscious attitude to search for the reason and the meaning behind things and occasions, since they do not often “seem” to be fair and logically understandable as the way they appear to us. Somehow I am strongly driven to find out more what this is all about  and the reason of existence on earth. That is why I am here.

      And I am grateful.

    • #185114
      Shahbaz Khan

      hi my name is masoom am from Pakistan

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