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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,703 through 3,708 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #299836

      Hi, I am Sagar from India. I came across this beautiful wisdom through my wife and although it did not register that deeply into my consciousness at that time, later events in my life made me realize that there is indeed a meaning to the cycle of suffering and enjoyment in our lives. I hope to learn and better understand this, to what end that I do not know for now.

      Thank you for making this available!

    • #299803

      Hello! I’m Kimberly. I have been a mother for over 25 years and thus I am a teacher. I love learning and I am also a musician. I have read on the subject of kabbalah in the past but never got very far with the content – of course I was reading and studying on my own. I look forward to getting a different perspective and gaining whatever knowledge and wisdom that I can from this course.

    • #299767

      I’m Che. I have an intellectual knowledge of Kabbalah, but I want to experience it more deeply. After watching some of Tony Kosinec’s videos on YouTube I’m beginning to see Kabbalah as so much more than words and diagrams. I want to develop awareness of the meaning of my life.

    • #299757

      Hello, my name is Eliza and am ready to learn about the upper realms and live for the will of the Creator

    • #299743

      Hi! I’m Alessandro from Brazil. I’m looking to learn about this ancient knowledge.

    • #299718

      Hello, I’m Peter, from the Netherlands
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>A couple of months ago I was experiencing a difficult time and during that period I found out about Kabbalah. I was drawn to it very strongly and I really want to know everything and be on this path. I am very happy with this opportunity of bringing Kabbalah in practice, together with others!</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 3,703 through 3,708 (of 6,426 total)
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