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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #128517

      Hi everyone,

      I’m Solomon Brown by name, I am single, I lived in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. I am a civil engineer by profession and I work with Evomec Global Services Limited as a QA/QC Engineer here in Nigeria.

      At the end of this course, I expect to know more about my subconscious mind, my purpose on Earth and how to find peace and love.

      I’m delighted to meet you guys

      Thanks Tony Kosinec for the opportunity.


    • #128516

      My name is Jeff. I live in the Palm Springs area of California. have moved along various spectrums of Jewish observant my whole life.  I have been interested in Kabbalah since my first trip to Tzfat in 1985 when I was only 21 years old. I remember being told I couldn’t study this till I was at least 40 and had a deeper knowledge of the Torah. Though I always questioned that since most synagogues’ Friday night services would start with prayers written by Kabbalist. I studied years ago with another organization but was greatly turned off on the marketing of the organization as well as the selling of items like water and red strings, that to me seemed to take away from the text itself. During COVID I got involved in a Daf Yomi group and really enjoy learning the Talmud, but that stimulates my mind and logic and it does miss the spirituality part for me. This year I built my own sukkah for the first time where I spent a lot of time mediating and really felt a deeper connection to my roots. Late at night during one of my YouTube “rabbit holes” I came across some of your videos and liked the way you presented things that I may already have learned, in a clear and concise format. I know I learn better in a group, like the structure of being part of the Daf Yomi every day keeps me focused and from my research so far, I think I will enjoy and benefit from the structure of your teaching.  Looking forward to this.

    • #128504

      Hi there!
      Ana Claudia from São Paulo, Brazil.
      I´ve been on this path from some time. I joined this course to get some updates in the way to connect. There are moments in life that we simply forget the path.
      Happy to be here,

    • #128499

      Hi there,

      I am Cavelle.  Recently, during the Lockdown, I decided to study the Mystery Traditions.  I am new to the Kabbalah tradition specifically.  I decided to enrol on this course because I am curious and would like to learn more.


    • #128378
      [email protected]

      Hello, my name is Claude and I am a  73 young christian male who desires to deepen his understanding of my faith by learning truths which are not fully revealed in my walk with God. To me I sometimes have a difficult time understanding Kabbalah because it seems too impersonable.

      I hope to gain a deeper spiritual understanding of God and my place in the universe.

    • #128340
      Kelvin Sellers

      Hi I am kelvin. And I have always ended up one way or another coming across the teachings of the Kabbalistic sciences. This was through my various comparative religious studies. What I hope to attain from undergoing this study is a deeper knowledge and an understanding of the the All!

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