Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,805 through 3,810 (of 5,275 total)
  • Author
    • #128504

      Hi there!
      Ana Claudia from São Paulo, Brazil.
      I´ve been on this path from some time. I joined this course to get some updates in the way to connect. There are moments in life that we simply forget the path.
      Happy to be here,

    • #128499

      Hi there,

      I am Cavelle.  Recently, during the Lockdown, I decided to study the Mystery Traditions.  I am new to the Kabbalah tradition specifically.  I decided to enrol on this course because I am curious and would like to learn more.


    • #128378
      [email protected]

      Hello, my name is Claude and I am a  73 young christian male who desires to deepen his understanding of my faith by learning truths which are not fully revealed in my walk with God. To me I sometimes have a difficult time understanding Kabbalah because it seems too impersonable.

      I hope to gain a deeper spiritual understanding of God and my place in the universe.

    • #128340
      Kelvin Sellers

      Hi I am kelvin. And I have always ended up one way or another coming across the teachings of the Kabbalistic sciences. This was through my various comparative religious studies. What I hope to attain from undergoing this study is a deeper knowledge and an understanding of the the All!

    • #128339
      Kelvin Sellers

      Hi I am kelvin. And I have always ended up one way or another coming across the teachings of the kabbalistic sciences. This was through my various comparitive religious studies. What I hope to attain from undergoing this study is a deeper knowledge and an understanding of the the All!

    • #128328

      Hi, my name is Pascale

      I am Mexican I live in Jalisco, México

      I am very glad to be able to study Kabbalah in this web with Tony and I hope to understand every thing He teaches because I am not sure if my level of English language will be enough to.

      ‘Hello  to every one and good luck ‼️🥰

Viewing 6 posts - 3,805 through 3,810 (of 5,275 total)
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