Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,027 through 4,032 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #280921
      Earl Wells

      Hello everyone, name is Earl Wells live in Toledo, Ohio(USA) age 65. Looking get push thru the chatter in life and allow whom I really am to come forth to the being that I know who I am.

    • #280855
      Vyacheslav Checha

      Привет! Я Вячеслав из Одессы . Мне 47 лет. Я доктор, моряк. А влюбился в каббалу после того, как прошел курс ,,Сила каббалы,, на Udemy. После ,,Сила каббалы,, я прошел два курса по каббале и это мой третий. Большие изменения в жизни я почувствовал когда стал ежедневно сканировать ,,72 имени Бога,,. Я спокоен, уверен и смотрю в будущее с интересом. Хочу найти в Одессе группу единомышленников для совместного изучения каббалы.

      • #281737

        Hi Vyacheslav,

        The study materials here are mostly in English. You might be better of on the Russian version of our site:

        After you finish the basic course, they will also be able to get you in contact with the local study group in Odessa.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #280851
      Andrew Edwards

      Hi I’m Andrew from Ireland I’m now working on a spiritual path in life .I’m currently studying the tarot which is connected to the kabbalah and currently studying the I ching .but the kabbalah seems to be a wonderful journey in finding ones true purpose in life.

    • #280804

      Hello, I m Catalina and I m looking for more ways to grow spiritually .

    • #280789
      Ali Bahadori


      I’m Ali Bahadori born on 23rd of june 1984 in iran and I’m so glad having such a great opportunity to be enlightened and blessed by your awesome atmosphere created by the related great masters where I may find some lovely people to learn from

    • #280783

      Hello, my name is Shaun. I’m interested to learn more about Kabbalah. I’m not religious but have always felt a strong belief in something spiritual , a guiding force in nature that underlies everything.


Viewing 6 posts - 4,027 through 4,032 (of 5,901 total)
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